Thats What Friends Are For

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*The scene shows the President's office in the White House where Jerome Wise is holding a newspaper about the defeat of Dr. Eggman's and the destruction of his fortress that happened in the episode before*

"This is great news, Mr. President, and it couldn't have come at a better time! Now, you're sure to be re-elected!,"said Jerome.

*The President looks sad*

"I don't know about that,"said President. "Huh?,"asked Jerome. "I'm not the real hero of the story. *He points at the newspaper Jerome is holding* Look closer,"He said. "Huh? *Jerome looks at the newspaper to see a photo of Sonic and Maria smiling, winking, and giving a thumbs up on the front page. He then gets irritated and looks at another newspaper with a photo of Sonic and Maria standing with their arms crossed and a smug look on their face on the front page. He then looks at another one to see a photo of Sonic and Maria sticking their tongue out and pulling down one of his eyelids and Maria cute smile on the cover* SONIC! MARIA!,"yelled Jerome.

*Jerome tosses the newspapers in the air with a growl and grabs a remote control to turn a TV on. The TV screen displays a clip of Sonic and Maria. Jerome changes the channel to another clip of Sonic and Maria. He then changes the channel several more times with each channel showing clips of Sonic and Maria. Jerome screams and growls, putting his hands on his head*

"If we don't act fast, sir, they'll elect Sonic and Maria as Presidents!,"yelled Jerome. "Huh? I'll have to find myself a real job...,"said President. "Grr... *walks towards the President and puts his hands on the President’s desk* We’ve got to do something right away!,"said Jerome. "Now, now, let's not overreact about this. Just stay calm,"President said.

*Jerome begins to pace back and forth in the office*

Jerome: Ergh, think, think! There must be something we can do... Ah, that's it! I know!,"Jerome said. "Hm?,"asked President.

*Jerome smiles*

"It's a brilliant idea! We'll host a black-tie charity ball in celebration of our recent victory!,"He said.

*The President looks confused*

President: Yes, but what does a victory celebration do to solve our Sonic and Maria problem?,"asked President.
Jerome: We're going to make Sonic and Maria the guest of honor! We'll invite the media, get in a couple of photo-ops, that kind of thing! *An imaginary scene of photographers taking multiple pictures of Sonic and Maria shaking hands with the President is shown. The same event is broadcasted live on TV* It'll be in all the papers, all over the cable-news talk shows: "The President, Sonic and Maria the trio duo battling together against the forces of oppression"! Once the voters see that you, Sonic and Maria are buddies, your approval rating will go through the roof! There's no way you can lose, your re-election will be a sure thing! I'll have the staff get started. We'll make sure all the television reporters get personal invitations to the free buffet tent!,"Jerome explained.

*Jerome turns to leave. The President sighs about Jerome's plans*

*The scene shifts to the Thorndyke Mansion where Sonic and Maria leaves to go for a run. Chris steps out of the house to tell him something*

"Hey, Sonic, Maria a letter came for you two!,"said Chris.

*Sonic and Maria doesn't hear him and continues running*

*Hm? Ah, it's from the President!,"Chris yelled.

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