Satellite Swindle

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*Dr. Eggman places a deck of cards in the Selection Machine and pulls down the handle. Three cards showing E-90 Super Sweeper appear on the screen*

"Perfect!,"said Dr. Eggman.

*Super Sweeper is transported on a platform, then an opening appears on the ground. The Super Sweeper then takes off from the fortress towards space*

"What was that? Some kind of rocket maybe?,"asked Area 99 patrols. "What's the word?,"asked Area 99 military leader. "An unknown object was spotted about 5 minutes ago. I'm afraid that's all we know, sir,"said Area 99 patrol. "That Dr. Eggman is up to something. I wish I knew what it was. Had it been identified?,"Area 99 military leader asked. "I'm afraid not, sir,"said Area 99 patrol.

*The scene changes to Dr. Eggman Fortress*

"Well, now, time to have a little fun! *pulls on a handle* Super Sweeper!,"said Dr. Eggman.

*Super Sweeper pulls out its vacuum and activities it*

*Alarm at Area 99 sounds*

"What's going on?,"asked Area 99 military leader. "Communications' cut off! Sir, the satellite! Its-,"said Area 99 patrol. "Gone?!,"yelled Area 99 military leader. "Yes, sir,"said Area 99 patrol. "This can't be happening! It's impossible!,"said Area 99 military leader.

*Super Sweeper sucks up numerous satellites*

"Just look at all my shiny, new toys! Ah well, too bad I have to grind them all into robot parts! Who knew recycling can be so much fun? *laughs* And cost-effective?,"asked Dr. Eggman. "It's getting closer!,"yelled Area 99 patrol. "We've got to alert the President!,"yelled Area 99 military leader.

*The scene changes to Thorndyke mansion where Cream and Cheese was watching their favorite show the Next Show*

"Y'know what I like to do best, boys and girls? I like to dance! Dancing's lots of fun, and it's good exercise, too! Hey, I've got an idea! Why don't you dance with me? That's it! Looking good!,"said Next.

"Hi! Snack time, everyone! Here we go!,"said Ella. "Ella showed me and Maria how to make homemade apple pie,"said Amy. "It was so much fun and Ella also taught me how to bake homemade chocolate chips cookies,"said Maria. "I think our little Amy and Maria has quite a knack for baking! I just might be out of the job soon!,"said Ella. "Hey Ella, maybe Sonic would like some pie,"Amy said. "*licks his lips* He can have the other one,"said Tails. "No, you don't! That pie is for Sonic!,"yelled Amy. "No, Amy!,"yelled Tails.

*Amy grabs the dish which tosses Tails into the television. The television receives static*

"Tails, you broke our TV,"said Cream. "I'm sorry...,"said Tails
"And that was our favorite program...,"Cream cried. "Don't worry, Cream, maybe this will help. *Flicks through other channels but they receive static* Okay, guess that didn't work.,"said Chris. "Now, we can't watch our program!*Cries*,"said Cream.
"Hey, what's going on?,"asked Sonic.
"Hi, Sonic. Cream and Cheese are upset because the TV's busted,"Chris said.
"That's what they're crying about?,"Sonic asked. "Uh huh,"said Chris. "What do we do? Now, I can't watch my cooking show,"said Amy "Or Mrs Thorndyke in the Movie of the Week,"said Ella. "Or my action and adventure movies,"said Maria. "Or the martial arts matinee,"said Mr. Tanaka.
"Sorry, Mr. Tanaka,"Chris apologized.

*Bokkun laughs and flies into the house. Amy and Ella grab the pies and cookies while Sonic, Maria and Chris hide behind the couch*

"That was a disappointing welcome if you don't mind me saying so. *grabs a TV out* Got a brand-new message for Sonic and Maria from Dr. Eggman, so listen up good!,"said Bokkun. "Greetings, my little warthog! And my beautiful daughter Sorry if it's being so long since my last message, but I've been such a busy, little bee. Take a look!,"said Dr. Eggman.

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