A Chilling Discovery

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*Scene: The Blue Typhoon-bridge*

*Having left Planet Secco, the Blue Typhoon is once again travelling through deep space. Chris is typing on a keypad. Sonic and Cosmo are standing nearby*

"My new program will let us detect a Chaos Emerald anywhere in the galaxy, no matter where or how far away it may be. *A compartment for a Chaos Emerald opens* Alright, Sonic, what do you say we try it out?,"asked Chris. "Sure thing,"said Sonic.

*Sonic hands the Emerald to Chris, and he inserts it into the slot*

"OK,"Chris said.

*Chris closes the hatch. Tails types on a keypad*

"Now, we connect it to the main interface and we'll be on our way!,"said Tails.

*A holo-radar appears in the front window*

"*On intercom* Knuckles, everything OK?,"Tails asked.

*Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Engine Room*

"So far, so good,"said Knuckles. "*Over intercom* Wow!,"said Tails. "What's up? You got something?,"Knuckles asked.

*Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Bridge*

"I'm detecting a response already!,"He said.

*A blip appears near the top left of the radar*

"It's thanks to you, Chris,"said Cosmo.
"*Shrugs* It's no big deal, really,"said Chris. "Sure it's a big deal! I've built lots of neat stuff, but I couldn't have come up with something this good overnight,"said Tails. "*Rubs behind head* Aw, come on, Tails, you're embarrassing me,"Chris said. "I'm so very proud of you, Chris,"said Helen.
"Amy, what's the location?,"asked Tails.

*Amy types on a keypad*

"The signal's coming from a place called Planet Breezy,"said Amy. "That sounds cool. Okay, Planet Breezy, here we come!,"said Tails. "We're on our way!,"Amy said. "I have a bad feeling about that planet,"said Maria.

*Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Operations Room*

*Knuckles watches as the Master Emerald glows brightly*

"*Over intercom* Engage Warp Field Driver!,"yelled Tails.

*Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Outside*

*A yellow cone at the tip of the Typhoon fires a portal in front of the ship*

"*Over intercom* Warp field's ready! Let's go!,"He said.

*The Typhoon flies through the portal, causing it to glow in rainbow colors and jump to hyperspace*

*Scene Change: Planet Breezy*

*On the surface of the ice planet Breezy, there is a palace covered in ice. Within its walls, there is a control room. In the center of the control room, the red Chaos Emerald is encased in a machine. An ice-themed Metarex named Metarex Crystal watches as the machine supercharges the Chaos Emerald, and laughs*

*Scene Change: The Crimson Egg - Cockpit*

"*Laughs* I'm a genius! Sonic, Maria and those time-warping nitwits can't shake me, not with my spanking-new all-space tracking system! No matter what they do or where they go, I'll be right behind them. Throw it into Egg Drive!,"yelled Dr. Eggman. "Aye-aye, Doctor,"said Bocoe.

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