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*Scene: Earth - Station Square - Chris' lab*

*Lindsey, Chuck, Danny, Frances, Helen's parents standing before Chris' abandoned portal*

"Christopher and Helen went to Sonic and Maria's world! Well, we have to bring them back! Right now!,"yelled Lindsey. "I agree!,"said Helen's mom.
"I don't think we should try to operate his machine, Mrs. Thorndyke and Mrs. Jones,"said Frances. "Only Chris and Helen understands how it works,"said Danny. "I can't risk tampering with it, Lindsey and Mrs. Jones. If I damaged it in any way, Chris and Helen might be trapped in Sonic's world forever,"said Chuck. "*Frustrated* But we can't just leave them there!,"They said.

*Nelson and Doug shows up and places their hands on wives shoulders*

"We have to trust our son,"said Nelson. "And we have to trust our daughter,"said Doug. "But...,"said Lindsey and Helen's mom. "Chris knows how to take care of himself, and you know it's never wise to underestimate a Thorndyke,"Nelson said. "And Helen can take care of herself and you know it's never wide underestimate a Jones,"Doug said.

*Lindsey and Helen's mom cries into Nelson and Doug's shoulders. Chuck nods*

"I'm sure Chris and Helen will try to communicate with us, Mrs. Thorndyke and Mrs. Jones. We'll stay here at the lab and let you know right away if we hear from them,"said Frances. "Thank you, Frances Please do,"said Nelson and Doug.

*Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Bridge*

*The Blue Typhoon is cruising through deep space. Everyone is gathered on the bridge*

"You detected one of the Chaos Emeralds?,"asked Cream. "Are you sure about this, Knuckles?,"asked Amy. "Yes. There's no doubt about it. I was in the engine room a few minutes ago when I saw the Master Emerald reacting to something. *A shot of the glowing Master Emerald is shown* It must have been an Emerald!,"said Knuckles.
"*To Tails* Check for a planet nearby,"Amy said. "Let's see...,"said Tails.

*He pulls up a map which appears in the midst of the group. Chris points to a spot on the map*

"There's one,"said Chris. "That's Planet Secco,"said Cosmo.

*Sonic and Maria was reading a book titled "CosmoNav", which is a guide to the planets*

"And according to my galactic guide book, it's dry as a bone,"said Sonic. "I hope it's true,"said Maria. "Tails, we're gonna land on Planet Secco and find that Emerald! Let's go!,"yelled Amy.
"I'm supposed to give the orders...,"said Tails. "Just do it,"She said.

*Scene Change: Outside*

*As the Blue Typhoon flies towards Secco, the Master Emerald glows intensely. Soon the ship enters Secco's atmosphere*

"According to the scope, there's a lot of water on this world,"said Chris. "Oh no. We can't land here,"said Sonic.

*They break through the cloud layer*

"There's gotta be some kind of mistake!,"He yelled. "Tough luck, Sonic. *Chuckles*,"said Tails.

*The Typhoon extends it stabilizer fins and descends toward the watery surface below*

"Splashdown!,"Tails said.

*Soon, the Typhoon lands on the surface of the water, and everyone climbs into small one-seater submarines that are set up on the runway. As Tails is about to climb into his shuttle, Sonic frantically holds up the book to him*

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