The Volcanic Venture

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"Last time on Sonic X, a research vessel vanished at sea, leading to a maritime mystery. While Dr. Eggman's wrapped-up robots sprang a trap to steal a map, the ancient chart pointed the way to the legendary continent of Murasia, and our heroes set sail for the last remnant of that lost land - a volcanic island. When they found themselves attacked by Dr. Eggman, government agents roared to the rescue. But the devious doc made his escape and hatched a scary scheme to liquidate the world with lava. Can Sonic and Maria stop Eggman before he causes a global eruption? Find out next on Sonic X!,"said Narrator.

*Scene: The island*

*The crew of both the expedition ship and the Gun Fort V3 are gathered on the shore. While the expedition ship crew set up their equipment, the crew of the GUN Fort V3 are accosting Topaz*

"If you'd have put up a fight against Eggman instead of letting him capture you, we wouldn't be stuck here,"said GUN Pilot. "Yeah. We had Eggman trapped, but he had you and your crew on board, so we couldn't destroy his ship,"said GUN Gunner. "Don't act like that's what stopped you!,"yelled Topaz.

*She runs off*

"She's upset,"said Tanaka. "Why don't you go and comfort her?,"asked Chuck.
"*Bows* If you insist, sir. I will do what I can,"Tanaka said.

*He runs in the direction Topaz went in, and soon meets her on the beach. Tanaka blushes*

"*To himself* Those two bullies...,"He said.

*In a show of strength to impress Topaz, Tanaka karate-kicks a rock and punches another, but his hand begins to swell*

*Scene Change: The island - With Chris*

"But I know I could fly the X-Tornado down into the crater,"said Tails. "It's too dangerous!,"yelled Chris. "It's the only way to catch up with Eggman. I'm in. What about you Sunshine?,"asked Sonic. "I'm in,"said Maria. "*To Rouge* Rouge, what about you? You willing to come along?,"asked Knuckles. "Doesn't sound like I have a choice. If I stay behind, there won't be anybody left on the team to look after you,"said Rouge.
"Ha. Very funny,"Knuckles said.

*Scene Change: The island - With the expedition crew*

*Tanaka and Topaz return to Chuck and Dr. Cadberry*

"We have found something. Here, doctor,"said Tanaka.

*He hands Dr. Cadberry a shiny metal box of some sort*

Dr. Cadberry: Incredible! This box seems to be made of ermurasium.
Chuck: What's ermurasium?
Dr. Cadberry: It was an unusual metal that was used by the Murasians.

*Dr. Cadberry opens the ermurasium box. Inside is a beautiful white gemstone. Immediately Rouge's eyes sparkle*

"Hel-lo...,"said Rouge. "According to my research, Murasian cities were filled with precious gemstones even larger than this one. *He holds up the gem*
"Amazing...,"said Dr. Cadberry. "I never knew archaeology could be so fascinating,"She said.

*Scene Change: The volcano*

*The Eggmobile is descending the crater of the volcano*

"Doctor, we will hit the lava soon,"said Bocoe. "Heheheh... I have a plan; don't worry,"said Dr. Eggman. "*Rolls eyes* If it is anything like his past plans, we are going to get burned,"said Decoe.

*Bokkun pops up between them*

"Are you two doubting Dr. Eggman? *Shouting* Doctor! Doctor! They're dissing you!,"yelled Bokkun.

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