Fly Spy

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*Rouge spots a building via her Treasure Scope. Smiling, she flies towards the building. The inside of the building is shown and in the heart of it, there is a glass case encasing a shiny, white diamond which is viewed by from a room via a surveillance camera. One security guard is seen reading a book while another two are playing cards with one another*Guard 1: Anybody hungry? Huh? *Surveillance footage shows Rouge walking up to the diamond* Hey!

*Rouge jumps up close to the diamond and the alarm goes off*

"What's going on?,"asked Guard 2. "What's wrong?,"asked Guard 3. "How could anybody get in there?,"Guard 2 asked. "*Looks at the diamond* Ah... Hyah! *Rouge kicks the glass case, causing it to break. She picks up the diamond* Hello, gorgeous!,"said Rouge. We'll lock down the place! *The first guard presses two buttons. Doors around the facility begin to close* Nobody's getting out of here now! *Laughs while the other two guards run off before the first guard follows. The three guards run through a corridor and prepare to arm themselves* Hands in the air! *The glass case is seen lying on the ground and the diamond has disappeared. In its place rests a card. The guards walk up to the card* Thank you?! What, is this a gag?!,"said Guard 1.

*The three guards look up and see that the roof of the building has been lifted. Meanwhile, Rouge is flying through the quiet night in Station Square*

"You may not be a Chaos Emerald, but you'll do, for now...,"said Rouge.

*The scene shifts to the garage of the Thorndyke Mansion with Scarlet Garcia broadcasting news. Maria walk in checking on Cream and Cheese while eating an apple*

"I'm coming to you live from the National Museum where officials say the world's largest diamond was stolen late last night. Law enforcement authorities are baffled by the outbreak of precious gem robberies, but private sources tell SSTV that they believe this was merely the biggest in a series of jewel thefts that have plagued Station Square in recent days,"said Scarlet. "Sonic?,"asked Amy. "This is Scarlet Garcia, SSTV News,"Scarlet said. "I think I know who it is,"said Maria.

*Amy is seen holding pizza*

"Hey, Cream, have you seen Sonic?,"Amy asked. "The last time we saw him he was with Chris and Tails, but I'm not sure where they went. *Cheese replies*,"said Cream. "That's too bad. Hey, feel like having some pizza?,"She asked. "Yes! Are you sure it's okay?,"Cream asked. "You bet it is! Sonic's loss is your gain!,"Amy said.

*Cream and Cheese beamed with excitement*

"Huh? Where did Maria go?,"asked Amy. "She was here a minute ago,"said Cream. "I wonder where she went,"Amy said.

*The scene shifts to the X Tornado flying over the city. Sonic is spinning a ball on his finger*

"Tails, you see anything down there?,"asked Chris. "No. *Tails steers the X Tornado, causing Sonic to fall off* Nothing there,"said Tails. "Don't worry. We're gonna find those emeralds, and Sonic will help, right? *Chris turns around and realizes that Sonic has disappeared* Uh... Sonic... uh wh-where are you?,"Chris asked.

*Sonic is seen barely holding on to the X Tornado with the ball. The scene shifts into the White House*

"Something has to be done, gentlemen. We must take action, Eggman is a threat to our nation's security. We've no choice but to launch an attack,"said President. "Mr. President, I want to stop this Eggman as much as you do, but it's not so simple,"said Chairman. "I'm afraid the chairman is right, sir. After examining the remnants of one of Eggman's robots, we've determined that his technical capabilities and military hardware far surpass our current weapon system,"said Chairman advisor. "That may be so, but it doesn't change the fact that something must be done,"said Jerome. "Would you consider asking Sonic and Maria to assist with this mission?,"asked Director of Central Intelligence. "Sonic? Maria?,"asked President. "Eggman's an unusual enemy, sir, and that calls for an unusual ally. With this in mind, sir, I think Sonic and Maria got what it takes to get the best of him. He just might be the only hope we have, Mr. President,"Director of Central Intelligence. "That's true, but how do we know we can even communicate with two hedgehogs?,"President asked. "Our operatives have observed them speaking to the young boy they're staying with. He understands the language,"said Director of Central Intelligence. "Fine, then we'll do it,"said President. "Sir, I think you've made the right decision,"said Director of Central Intelligence.

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