Desperately Seeking Sonic and Maria

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*Scene: The Blue Typhoon*

*The Blue Typhoon is now flying over a jungle planet. Suddenly an alarm goes off. Amy, Helen and Tails on the bridge are alert. Knuckles also hears it from the engine room. Chris and Cream look up from their cooking in the kitchen. Sonic and Maria are in the corridor*

*Scene: The Blue Typhoon - Bridge*

*Cosmo and Cream race onto the bridge*

"Our scanners picked up two objects approaching. Dead ahead and closing fast!,"said Tails.

*A 2D radar pops up*

"I see 'em!,"said Amy. "So do I,"said Helen.

*There are two blips on the radar. They are Metarex Kingape and Metarex Carrer. The former is carrying the planet's Planet Egg*

"Metarex!,"said Sonic and Maria. "It looks like they just stole that Planet Egg,"said Cosmo. "We can't let those two Metarex get away. We're gonna fight 'em to save that Planet Egg!,"said Tails.
"Roger!,"said Cosmo, Cream, Helen and Amy.

*Suddenly the ship shakes. Metarex Carrer is grappling the ship with its claws*

"Fire the laser cannons!,"said Tails.

*The dual laser cannons are prepared and fired. However, the lasers bounce harmlessly off Carter's chest*

"It bounced right off!,"said Cream.

*The claws wrap around the ship so tightly that it severely damages the hull*

"It's trying to pull our wings off! We have to do something before it's too late!,"said Amy. "We'll stop it! Load the Sonic/Royal Power Cannon!,"said Tails.

*Scene Change: The Blue Typhoon - Engine Room*

*Chris is in the engine room with Knuckles*

"We're loading it now,"said Knuckles.
"Sonic, Maria, enter the power cannon to get ready for launch,"said Chris.

*Scene Change: The space above the jungle planet*

*The Sonic/Royal Driver is prepared. Sonic and Maria runs down the barrel and lands on the spin platform*

"Ready!,"They said.

*They begins their spins, charging the Sonic/Royal Driver*

"Sonic/Royal Power Cannon, fire!,"yelled Tails.

*The Sonic/Royal Driver launches Sonic and Maria through Metarex Carrer, destroying it in a brilliant explosion. The explosion causes Metarex Kingape and the Planet Egg to fall back towards the planet below*

*Scene: The Blue Typhoon - Bridge*

*The lights are off inside the Blue Typhoon*

"Looks like we knocked out the Metarex. The big one is out of commission, and the Planet Egg's going back where it belongs,"said Tails.

*The girls cheer for Sonic and Maria's victory*

"Thanks to Sonic and Princess!,"said Cosmo. "Yeah! They was incredible!,"said Cream. "They're amazing!,"said Helen. "They're a real knockout! *Amy looks worried* Wait a second! Why isn't they coming back to the ship?,"asked Amy.

*Everyone looks to Tails, who sweat-drops and didn't know why either*

*Scene: The Blue Typhoon - Engine Room*

*Chris has heard about the situation*

"What's wrong?,"asked Knuckles. "The cannon that launched Sonic and Maria out of the ship worked great. *Chuckles nervously* Unfortunately, we launched them too hard, and they couldn't get out of their spins in time to get back to the ship. *Rubs behind head* Looks like they're headed straight for the planet.
"It's too bad they're not packin' a parachute,"Knuckles said. "*Wails* Soniiic! Maria!,"yelled Amy.

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