Heads up, Tails

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"Last time on Sonic X, after a high-flying battle, Tails transformed the X-Tornado into Battle Armor Mode, and headed straight for the Egg Carrier with Sonic, Knuckles and Maria in tow to rescue Amy from the clutches of Eggman,"said Narrator.

*Tails, Sonic, Maria and Knuckles are in the X-Tornado, which has converted to Battle Suit Mode. They are up against the Egg Carrier, which has converted to Battle Mode and is firing lasers and missiles at them*

"Hang on!,"yelled Tails.

*Tails dodges a trio of missiles, Maria uses her heat vision to blasts them. A shield extends out of the X-Tornado's right hand to block the lasers, while a sword protrudes from the left hand to slice the missiles in half*

"Almost there...,"said Tails.

*They approach the Egg Carrier*

'Let's bring it in for a nice smooth landing, Tails!,"said Sonic.

*Tails becomes panicked*

"Aah! Oh no!,"yelled Tails. "What is it?,"asked Sonic. "What's the matter, Tails,"asked Maria. "You'll have to settle for nice and bumpy! We don't have any wheels!,"Tails said.

*Sonic, Maria and Knuckles look at each other*

"What?!,"yelled Sonic, Maria and Knuckles.

*The X-Tornado crashes on the Egg Carrier's deck*

*Scene: The Egg Carrier - Deck*

*Everyone has recovered from the crash*

"Let's go!,"said Knuckles."Right! *Chuckles*,"said Tails.

*Knuckles and Tails move out. Sonic and Maria runs ahead of them*

"Later guys!,"said Sonic and Maria.

*Scene Change: The Egg Carrier - Cockpit*

"Quick! Launch attack!,"yelled Dr. Eggman. "Yes, sir!,"said Decoe. "Yes, sir!,"said Bocoe.

*Scene Change: The Egg Carrier - Deck*

*Tails looks up in surprise as several missiles are fired at Sonic and Maria, but the two hedgehogs is able to dodge them all. Maria uses Chaos Spear to destroy the missiles*

"They're turning back!,"yelled Knuckles.

*Sonic and Maria stops in front of Tails*

"Tails. You okay?,"asked Sonic. "Are you alright?,"asked Maria. "Uh-huh!,"said Tails.

*He removes his bandages*

"Come on!,"said Sonic. "Let's go!,"said Maria.

*Another missile almost hits Sonic and Maria. It creates a hole in the floor*

"I'll meet up with you later. Now's my chance to search for the rest of that Master Emerald!,"yelled Knuckles.

*Knuckles leaps through the hole*

"But Knuckles!,"yelled Tails. "Don't sweat it, Tails. You, Maria and I can look for Amy. Let's go before they launch another attack,"said Sonic.

*He flies after Sonic and Maria*

*Scene Change: The Egg Carrier - Inside*

"We missed them, Doctor!,"yelled Decoe. "Now what?,"asked Bocoe. "They won't get far,"said Dr. Eggman.

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