Defective Detectives

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*Scene: Station Square forest*

"Ribbit! Ribbit! Ribbit!,"said Froggy. "Hey! Froggy! It sure is a nice day. Huh? *He sees a big bright white light* That's pretty,"said Big. "Ribbit! Ribbit! Ribbit!,"Froggy agreed.

*Scene Change: The White House*

"There have been 5 confirmed reports so far Mr. President. It seems that most of the buildings have landed in parts in the city closest to Mystic Ruins,"said Christina. "Great. And what about all the creatures they found inside?,"asked President.

*The screen now shows several animals from Sonic's world. A Flicky is front and center*

"The bird-like ones are known as Flickies, sir,"She said. "And I'm assuming they all came from the same world as Sonic. Right, Professor Thorndyke?,"He asked. "Yep. It would appear that way,"said Chuck. "I see. Now then, I'm sure you must be wondering why I asked for you and your grandson here this afternoon,"President said. "You're worried about the arrival of these creatures. You're thinking you need to separate them from humans. You're concerned there'll be trouble between two such different species unless they're... dealt with,"Chuck said.

*The TV turns off*

"We wish we didn't have to. It's just-,"Christina said. "
Don't apologize. *Christina looks up* We understand your situation completely,"He said.

*But Chris looks depressed*

*Scene Change: Station Square*

*Knuckles and Rouge are atop a building, looking down at the city*

"Have you heard? A couple more friends from back home dropped in. Seems every day is like a regular reunion around here. 'Course, if too many of us start showing up, the humans aren't gonna be too happy. They'll probably decide we're dangeroud and round us all up. Imagine us... together. *She approaches Knuckles* 24/7... My, I wonder that'd be like, don't you?,"asked Rouge.

*Knuckles blushes*

"Get this straight! I'd rather live in solitary confinement than with you!,"yelled Knuckles. "Don't get so excited, sweetie. I'm only saying that the authorities won't like our kind around. Believe me, I don't like the idea of being locked up any more than you do. ... I should have realized that the welcome mat wouldn't be out forever,"Rouge said. "Yeah. Too good to be true. One day they love us because we're unique, and the next day we're in jail because we're different. Well, they won't take me without a fight,"Knuckles said. "Now that's the right attitude. Oh well, we'll just have to make the best of it. *She walks to the other side of Knuckles* When they come to get us, I hope you're around to protect me.
*She flaps her wings and hovers above Knuckles* Well, I'm off. Oh, and there's just one more thing,"said Rouge. "What's that?,"asked Knuckles. "I hope we share a cell,"She said.

*Rouge flies away, leaving Knuckles blushing again and shaking his fist*

"You're batty!,"He yelled.

*Scene Change: Elsewhere in Station Square*

*That night, Chris is at the pier, looking out at the ocean. Many thoughts are his head. Chuck is standing by the car nearby*

"Don't know about you, Chris, but I'm pretty hungry. Why don't we go home and have a little of Ella's--,"said Chuck. "Grandpa? ... I've been thinking... about what the President said?... Do you really think they're gonna... take Sonic and Maria away?,"asked Chris.

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