6 - That I've been the best I can be, but

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He doesn't remember when he last spent so much time texting someone. Katsuki sort of expected the conversation to die out the longer the day went on with his short responses, but it feels like it just keeps on flowing. It turns out the shit nerd actually still rambles on even on text. 

Seeing it all typed out so fast and reading it all was a pain in the ass at first, but he got used to it fast enough. Replying is just him picking some pieces of the nerd's huge ass paragraphs and responding, which sends the green haired loser into an even bigger rant. 

Katsuki's parents come home when he is washing up some dishes, his phone by the sink where he can see it when the nerd replies. 

"Brat! We're back, did you finish everything you needed to?" 

Mitsuki's booming voice gets closer until he feels her hand firmly pat his back. He nods, wiping his hands on his pants as he steps away from her touch. He walks out of the kitchen with his phone in his hand. 

"Yeah, I did old hag." 

He meets his dads' brown eyes as the man is in the process of taking his shoes off at the front door. The blonde grimaces when Masaru gives him a bright smile. His phone dings and he texts the nerd back, sending a couple of messages in seconds. 

His moms voice carries from over the kitchen entryway. 

"Who are you texting?" 

He doesn't even get to take two steps up the stairs before he feels his moms narrowed stare pointed at his back. The suspicion in her tone is clear and annoyance bubbles up in his veins. 

"It better not be those stupid pieces of shit, Katsuki, they're bad influences," 

"Your mother is right, son. We don't mean you aren't allowed to have friends; we just don't want them to get you into any trouble, especially when you are going to be going to high school soon," 

"Exactly! Don't be getting into any bullshit!" 

Katsuki's anger is only growing, and he huffs, stomping up the stairs. What the fuck do they know? Who fucking cares who he hangs out with? Its none of their damn business anyway. Even if he didn't know the damn extras, he would be doing the same shit anyway, he does what he fucking wants. 

"God, just shut the fuck up! I'm just texting that Midoriya guy, it's not a big fucking deal!" 

"Wait, you're texting Izuku?!"

 The two of them yell at the same time and Katsuki slams the door closed, not answering. Just thinking of all the questions that they would have bombarded him with if he stayed a second longer makes a slight headache start to form. 

He sends more texts and looks out to the window of his room, seeing how dark it is outside. He can't believe him and that loser talked all day about the most random shit and the topic of weed or cigarettes didn't even come up once like most of his conversations with those extras. 


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