8 - Where you don't see me

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He doesn't wake up from his alarm or even naturally. It's by that annoying fucking notification dinging that he is forced out of the depths of sleep and into consciousness. He blinks, looking at the ceiling of his bedroom, familiar and never changing. 

His phone continues to ding. Maybe it's Midoriya texting him about some shit, sending him those annoying stickers. He'll have to yell at him for texting so much so early in the morning and then answer while he is getting ready. 

Maybe they can call or some shit, that way Katsuki can just answer, and the shitty nerd can just go on and on. That way he can kill two birds with one stone. If his parents haven't left yet, then he can avoid their questions about what he plans to do today, who he will be with, and what they will be doing, by being on the phone with someone they clearly approve of. 

Turning around in bed, he picks his phone up from his bedside table and turns it on, looking at the notification bar. No fucking texts from Midoriya, but a whole shit ton of texts from the extras. Damnit. Katsuki reads through some of them, basically getting the gist. 

There is a party going on later hosted by someone that Katsuki barely has any idea about. Apparently, it's going to be huge and run all night long, and all three of them are invited. Why the fuck a complete stranger would personally invite him to some random ass party, he will never know. 

'Come on Bakugou! You missed the last one, you have to at least go to this one!' 

'Don't waste the whole weekend studying dude!' 

'Aren't you stressed out? Take a break!' 

'Yeah! This party is the perfect way to relax before classes!' 

He could go on and on about how these fuckwads love to waste their time going to shitty parties and drinking and smoking rather than do literally anything else, but he refrains from doing so. He doesn't respond and gets up to brush his teeth and wash his face, thinking it over. 

He finished all of his stuff anyway, what's wrong with going to a fucking party? This one could be better than what he is expecting, and it's better than staying home all day. Besides, he can text Midoriya while he's there, so it's not a big deal. 


A thousand other dings start to sound, and he ignores them, getting out of his sleeping clothes. He puts on black pants, the baggy material held up by a belt, putting on his favorite black T-shirt with a white skull on the front. 

Going downstairs he notices how quiet the house is, a clear sign that his parents are gone and that he is in the house by himself. He makes himself breakfast, only a couple of bites into his bowl of cereal before his phone rings with a call. 

He answers and the two extras' voices scream, 

"We're outside dude!!!" 

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