11 - I look up at the gaps of sunlight

122 11 3

 - K - 

The taste of cigarette smoke on his tongue is like an old, hated friend. He hates the taste, but still smokes and soaks in the familiar position of his fingers, the feeling of the smoke entering his lungs and leaving again. 

How long will it take for them to get banned from this convenience store too? He looks down at the person looking up at him, eyes filled with tears. Still, he doesn't look at them at all. 

"Come on, why don't you just let it slide this once? We're friends, aren't we?" 

Katsuki vaguely recognizes this insect. Right. The one with the All Might keychain he stole. The blonde looks over the extra's appearance, scanning for any other All Might related merch. Nothing. The insect shakes like a leaf, like one kick is all it takes and he's on the ground. 

"I-I really c-can't... I-If my boss catches you guys' s-smoking in here, t-then I'll lose my j... job..." 

The two in front of him don't really fucking care, and Katsuki continues to smoke, looking at the snacks. The phone in his pocket feels a lot heavier and its complete silence, for the first time ever, is pissing him off. 

Why hasn't Deku answered yet? What the fuck is he doing that is so important that he can't even answer his fucking phone? He should go over there, kick his ass for ignoring his messages. 

"Fine, fine. We'll leave, after you get us our snacks. You owe us." 

Katsuki hears the rustling of bags being slammed onto the counter right as he checks his phone. Still no messages. He can feel his annoyance bubbling up. Shitty fucking- 

"I-I don't have the m-money f-for that right now, p-please," 

Katsuki glares at the fucking waste of space that just won't let him fucking think. He lets out a small squeak and quickly starts to put the snacks in the bags, handing them over. The two extras grin as they take them. 

"Thanks dude!" 

"You're a real good friend." 

Katsuki is the first one out of the convenience store, putting out his cigarette under his shoe. 

"Did you see his face?! Priceless." 

It's been a couple of hours since he last texted, and it's not even fucking read yet. The fucking nerd talks so much, he would have mentioned having something to do the day before. 

"Bakugou you've been looking at your phone a whole bunch today, you texting a girl or something?" 

The black haired extra barely finishes his sentence before the other one is grinning. 

"No way! You're texting a girl, and you didn't even tell us?! Who is it?!" 

If he was annoyed before, he's pissed now. 

"Shut the fuck up, I'm not texting anyone. Besides, even if I was, it's none of your goddamn business!" 

He shoves his phone back into his pocket. The two extras mutter something he doesn't really care to actually listen to, and they continue walking to the house the party's at. 

Hikikomori Adventures Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now