9 - On sunny days, I go out walking

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Soon after the call, he finds himself outside, walking in front of the two extras as they excitedly talk about the party. 

"Why the fuck are you guys here so early if it doesn't start until ten." 

One of the extras gasps, the one with brown hair that goes to his shoulders. He is wearing a bright red shirt with white words that Katsuki can't even make out scribbled all over it. 

"Don't you want to hang out with us, Bakugou!? We're your best friends!!" 

The other one chimes in, his short black hair contrasting with the other one. He is wearing a dark blue shirt with a long sleeve white one under it. 

"Don't you want to go to the arcade or something!? We can have fun before the party too!" 

The brown haired one grins, 

"Besides, I just got paid from my part time job, so today's festivities are on me!" 

Katsuki doesn't mention that they do the same shit every time Katsuki decides to hang out with them. Arcade, Mall, skate park, swimming pool, a convenience store they haven't been banned from, the same old shit over and over. 

"Whatever, you guys pick." 

The two of them happily bounce ideas off of each other, as usual. Katsuki looks at his phone, staring at Midoriya's contact. His eyes narrow, and he glares down at it like that will telepathically send a signal to the nerd himself. 

Its already four, why the fuck hasn't he texted yet? Should he be the one to text first? Would that be fucking weird? Like Katsuki is admitting defeat or some shit? He grumbles, still glaring down at it. Fuck it, nothing is as weird as Midoriya himself. He texts, 

'What are you doing.'

 To not look like a total asshole with no other way to start a conversation, he sends a dog sticker. Its foaming at the mouth, barking. He stares at the message for a good minute before turning off his phone and shoving the device into his pocket. 

"Anyway, you know that cute girl I was telling you guys about?" 

The black-haired extra nods, and Katsuki grunts out a response. 

"Well, she came in when I was working, and I thought I should start a conversation or something right?! And i was like, 'what are you doing later?' and she looked at me like I just tore all of her snacks up or something! She left grumbling about something, and I thought she might be in a bad mood or something right?!" 


"Right! Well anyway, the problem is, some brown-haired chick was walking by, and I saw them through the window! The girl's whole mood suddenly changed! I think her bad mood was just with me!" 

Katsuki shrugs. 

"Sounds right. I would be in a bad mood if I was around you too." 

"You're always in a bad mood." 

"Guys, Bakugou being in a bad mood isn't the point right now! What am I going to do when she comes back?!" 

"She won't." 

"I agree." 

"Ugh! You guys are no help."

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