13 - I don't need the world to see

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His fingers have never moved so fast in his life. The moment he saw that Bakugou had texted him hours ago, his mind went blank, and he scrambled to send a response. Today had been full of the usual stuff, all passing in such a haze that he didn't even realize that his phone was still on silent and that he wouldn't be able to hear if Bakugou said anything. 

'Hi! I'm so sorry, I didn't even see your message until now!' 

'My phone was on silent!' 

Followed by a sad bunny sticker. 

'I was playing video games, so I was distracted!' 

He assumes that it's going to take a while for Bakugou to respond. He would understand if he ignored it for a little while, just to get back at him for responding so late. He makes sure to put sound on this time, so he will definitely hear it! 

He is about to put his phone down again when a message pops up. 

'You better fucking answer faster next time or I'm kicking your ass.'

 'I know where you live.' 

Izuku lets out a small laugh at the sticker of the foaming dog that is sent after. 

'I promise I will!' 

'What are you up to?' 

He tries not to get so excited over the fact that Bakugou actually wants to hear from him. Well, he didn't outright say that, but it still feels like he does! It makes Izuku's heartbeat faster and his body feel giddy. It's an unfamiliar feeling, but it's not unwelcomed. 

'I'm at some lame ass party.' 

Izuku screams into his pillow, kicking his feet and letting them slam back onto the bed in a series of rapid thuds. Of course, Bakugou would be at a party! There is probably a thousand people there, and if the movies he's watched are right, then it's probably so much fun! Izuku could only imagine what it would be like to actually go to a party, and he guesses it would be overwhelming at first, but he would eventually get used to it, and it would turn into a really good time! 

Bakugou probably has a ton of friends that invite him to stuff like that all of the time. Izuku feels that small tinge of jealousy that keeps coming up every time he thinks about just how cool the other boy is. But he has to act like it has no effect on him! 

'Thats so cool!' 

'Is it fun?' 

'Is the music super loud?' 

'Do you go to parties a lot?'

 'What are they like?' 

'It's amazing that you get to go to something like that!' 


'It's nothing to get so excited about nerd.' 

'I doubt you would like being squished between a thousand fucking people who smell like they haven't showered in months.' 

'There isn't any food because some asshole jumped on the table and made it fall on the fucking floor.' 

'Someone is currently fucking slurping up soda-soaked chips in front of me.' 

Hikikomori Adventures Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now