17 - And autumn comes when you're not yet done

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"Fuck, shut the hell up and let me think nerd." 

Bakugou's grumbled words are muffled by the blankets, and Izuku stops talking, lingering by the window with no idea what he is supposed to be doing. First things first... He closes the window and draws the curtains back after taking in some of the fresh night air. 

Bakugou's voice sounds from behind him. 

"The cops were called to the house... I think?"

Izuku whirls around, his eyes slightly wide. 

"The cops?!" The blonde is unmoving, almost stiff against his bed. 

"Let me fucking finish!" 

A beat of silence passes before Bakugou continues, Izuku's nerves only rising. Bakugou turns his head, his voice coming out clearer now that there is nothing in front of him. 

"The cops were called so I had to go. Your house just happened to be around. I'll leave in the morning.... I'm pretty sure I can get one of the loser extras in my class to get me a uniform so I can leave from here to school..." 

Izuku has a hard time following his slurred speech even now, and he nervously shifts, refusing to get any closer to the bed. His feet are planted to the floor, which is the only reason why he doesn't hide away when Bakugou looks at him, his eyes narrowed into a glare. 

"If anyone fucking asks, we hung out and I stayed the night, got it?" 

Izuku quickly nods, deciding it's probably not a good idea to bring up the blonde's slurred speech or the fact that he only heard half of the whole plan. 

"Got it!" 

His voice shakes slightly, and he curses himself for it. Before he can linger on it longer, the blonde looks around, sitting up slowly, his arms supporting him. 


More looking around. Izuku's heart beats even faster, panic surging through his veins. 

"This place is a fucking dumpster fire." 

If Izuku Midoriya had the power to instantly die, he would have used it at that moment. He would have used it a thousand times, just to get away from this situation. The blondes' words ring in his head, bouncing back and forth in his skull as his face heats up a thousand times over. 

He opens his mouth to say something, but nothing but strangled noises come out. Before he can scramble for an actual sentence, the blonde lets his arms go from under him, plopping back onto the bed. 

"You're lucky I'm on something right now shit nerd or I'd be jumping back out of that damn window."

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