18 - With the summer passing by, but

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Katsuki has never been in a messier room then this one in his entire fucking life. He's seen a thousand from watching that hoarders show with his old hag, the two of them grumbling and yelling at the people on the screen as if that will get rid of the complete nightmare that is their homes. 

He's sure that he would be tripping the fuck out, trying to get the hell out of this room, but right now, he is so fucking out of it that he doesn't really find it in himself to get up. Besides, where the fuck is he going to go if he does leave? Better to stay here. 

At least the bed is alright. He rolls onto his back, the crinkling of a wrapper following his movement. It could be worse. The bed could be just like the floor. The green haired loser is clearly combusting, his face so red that Katsuki can feel the heat radiating off of his skin even from all the way over here. 

"Why the fuck is your room such a mess? I would fucking kick your ass if I was auntie." 

'Auntie' had slipped out. It must be because the nerd had just said it a minute ago. He'll have to beat him up for that later. The other boy doesn't answer for a second, his face still hot as he keeps his eyes on the ground. 

"I just... d-don't feel like cleaning it most of the time...?" 

By the time he gets to the end of his sentence, Katsuki can barely hear him. He glares at him, knowing that he can feel it. He shifts again, keeping his hands fidgeting in front of him. His red eyes flicker past him to everything else in the room. 

There are empty Styrofoam cups of instant noodles, candy wrappers, some dishes, clothes, video games, books, all over the floor with no clear organization. The closet looks like it is so full of shit that the sliding doors that are closing it off are leaning forward, straining with the effort of keeping closed. 

Even the place where the T.V is kept is a mess, clothes hanging from it with even more stacks of video games surrounding it like the nerd tried to build a fucking fortress to protect it. The only thing that is actually normal in this whole room is a school uniform, clean and neat, a complete contrast to everything else in this personal hellhole.  

It hangs on a mirror, standing taller than the trash piles. 

"Good thing you at least keep your uniform clean. If you smelled like shit plus everything else, there really is no hope for you." 

Katsuki takes a moment to mentally thank any god out there that the sheets at least smell normal. He thinks he would have broken out in hives almost immediately. 

The nerd doesn't say anything, looking at anywhere but him, big green eyes looking at all the trash like that is the most interesting thing in the world. 

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