14 - That I've been the best I can be, but

131 11 0

 - K - 

He can't keep looking at this shit, not when the disgusting extra is starting to lick up the soaked-up chips from his hands, cheered on by some bystanders. Shoving his way out of the stuffy living room, he plans to find somewhere that isn't so crowded. 

Before he can even get to the stairs, the two extras are back with drinks in their hands. 

"Bakugou, here!!" 

One is shoved towards him, and he takes it before it can spill anywhere. He chugs the contents and drops the cup, crushing it under his shoe. The bitter liquid is disgustingly strong, and he doesn't try to hide the way his face scrunches up. 

By the second hour, Katsuki doubts he can even stand on his own for long. The whole party feels like a giant blur, and he doesn't even register where he is going for a second. How many fucking drinks has he had? He can't remember, but it couldn't have been that much... 

Why the fuck can't he find a bathroom? This house is fucking huge, you would think it would have a thousand places to shit. He roughly shoves through a hallway, still looking. He would have asked one of the extras, but they left to go smoke outside, as if just standing in this hellhole isn't enough. 

Suddenly, a wave of dizziness washes over him, and he leans against a wall to try and steady himself. 

"Dude, you look like you're going to puke... The bathroom is over there." 


He grumbles something as he starts to move in the direction he is pointed towards. The plan is this: Go to the bathroom, maybe empty his stomach, sit on the floor and try to get his shit straight, then fucking leave. 

"Hey buddyyyy, wanna try something?" 

Someone reaches over, offering him a joint. He feels something rise up his throat. Fuck, he's going to throw up all over this asshole and whoever walks by him. The more he passes by these people, the more they feel like ghosts. 

Creepy little bastards trying to trick him or some shit, take him to an underworld for his soul or to eat him alive. That, or he's just way too fucking out of it right now. He tries to find the face offering shit to him, but it's twisted into the widest grin he has ever seen.

 Yeah no, fuck that. He pushes a door open and sees the familiar sight of a cool tile floor. He has never been so happy to see a bathroom in his entire fucking life. He slams the door behind him and locks it, sliding down onto the floor with his back against the door. 

Throwing up here isn't that bad of an idea... He grips the shower curtain, pulling it back, the sound of the small metal rings moving along the rod ringing in his ears as he does. He leans forward, and lets it all out, heaving.

 "Asshole! What the fuck?!"

Hikikomori Adventures Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now