The Long Drive

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The thing about legends... well, we prefer to stay legends. The second anyone knows you're real, there's a trigger happy idiot seeking to destroy what they cannot understand. Hence the reason I was absolutely furious when Balthazar the angel showed up on my doorstep that night.

     "Hello, Anca." His smooth British-accented voice greeted. The way he popped up behind me caused me to jump in surprise. I usually glided through people like a ghost, and wasn't used to anyone speaking to me.

     Then again, he wasn't a person; he was an angel.

     "Hello, Balthazar." I said, sparing him a quick glance as I reached the door to my apartment. I was not his biggest fan per se, but I was in a fairly good mood tonight. "And my name is Roslyn Lovelace now, remember?"

     "Right, Roslyn." He humored me, "Why you would want to change your beautiful true name to a stupidly clichéd flower is beyond me."

     I twisted my key and unlocked the door stepping into my small apartment. I was greeted by heat, a sweet haven from the chilly South Dakota night air. "It's my way of reminding the angels that I am my own person." I said, "Now what are you doing here? Usually they send Castiel to lecture me. I like him better."

     Balthazar rolled his eyes as I slipped off my coat and placed it over one of the cushy red arm chairs. The apartment was small and fairly cozy. I didn't mind. I had no family, no friends; it was just me and my cat-- oh, and the occasional angel.

     I swept by Balthazar and into my kitchen, putting on a pot of coffee. When I turned back around, I saw he had followed me. I backed away, not at all comfortable with the invasion of my space. His vessel (a person an angel or demon occupies) was one he'd had since long before the titanic. The man was tall and lean, with thin brown hair and dangerous eyes. He wore dark slacks and a dress shirt, sporting a mischievous grin.

     "I'm not here to lecture you." His grin became wider- he knew something that I didn't. "Actually, I should be applauding you. Nice apartment."

     I shifted uncomfortably where I stood. So that's what this was about? He wanted to taunt me. He knew I'd been using my powers. I was the 'Samantha' (from Bewitched, the television show) of my kind. I craved normalcy.

     "Thanks." I said stiffly, pouring myself a cup of the steaming black liquid.

     "Who'd you compel to get it?"

     I fought my body's urge to go completely rigid. Compulsion is the power to push your own thoughts or even commands into someone else's head.

     "The nice man who lives in apartment C 213. He owns this place." I replied cooly, holding my head high and stepping past him once more to enter my living room. I plopped down on the couch gracefully and placed my mug on a coaster in front of me.

     "Meow!" cried my little kitten, Luna, jumping into my lap. I welcomed her with a smile and kiss.

     "How long has Luna been a kitten, Roslyn?" Balthazar asked tauntingly as he joined me on the couch. I scooted away from him.

     "As long as I've been 22." I said, feeling put on the spot. My aging process stopped so long as I willed it. It all came with what I was. I chose to age normally as of last year. Earth years and heaven years were very different. One year in heaven, could be a thousand on Earth. So while I look 22 in 'human years' I'm really hundreds of thousands of years old. Most of my time was spent in heaven with the angels, but I did make my trips to Earth from time to time.

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