The Long Drive (15) Scarecrow {Part One}

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At a deserted Roosevelt Asylum, in Rockford, Illinois, police officers Walter Kelly and Danny Gunderson rounded up some kids who had broken into the asylum. Afterwards Walter Kelly went home and inexplicably shot his wife and himself.

     Sam had been checking up on old contacts- Caleb, Jefferson, Pastor Jim- to see if John had been in touch. While Sam and Dean argued about John's whereabouts, which I was really sick of hearing, Dean received a text message from him, containing coordinates.

     We traveled to Rockford and spoke to Danny Gunderson about his partner's strange death, who told us that his partner chased the kids into the south wing of the asylum.

     We found a reference in John's journal to kids who disappeared from the south wing in 1972. After a brief visit to the asylum, we tracked down a psychiatrist, James Ellicott, whose father Sanford Ellicott was the Chief of Staff at the asylum. Sam posed as a patient (my God, that was incredibly fun), and found out from Dr Ellicott that the south wing housed the criminally insane, and that in 1964 the patients rioted, killing Dr Ellicott, whose body was never found.

     We returned to the asylum, where we discovered two stupid kids. Kat, who had been separated from her boyfriend Gavin, insisted on helping us find him. She tagged along with Dean while Sam and I went separate ways. We found Gavin (wimp) balled up in a corner saying that a ghost kissed him and tried to whisper something to him.

     Kat got herself trapped in a room with a ghost, and Dean was unable to get to her because she was behind a giant, metal, bolted door. When Sam and I found them, Dean was steadily trying to open the steel door. Upon seeing me, he tried to convince me to use magic. I gave it a blind shot in the dark, but still wasn't strong enough. I'd only bent the frame of the door. After a few seconds of catching my breath, I was able to convince Kat that the spirit was trying to communicate with her, not hurt her. Now, I didn't know that either, but it was all I had.

     It whispered "One thirty-seven" to her before it left. The boys deduced it was a room number.

     While Dean and I went to find the room, Sam tried to lead the kids out, but found out they were trapped. He left Kat and Gavin with a shotgun to protect themselves, and responded to a phone call he thought was from Dean.

     Dean and I found journals documenting Dr. Ellicott's cruel experiments designed to test his theories that provoking extreme anger in patients would be therapeutic. Sick bastard. When Dean found Sam had left Kat and Gavin to respond to the phone call, which he didn't make, Dean and I took off to find him.

     We found Sam in the basement, and then located a secret door which we both assumed led to the hidden procedure room where the experiments were carried out. As he was about to open it, Sam shot him in the chest with rocksalt, blasting him through the fake wall. I nearly pissed myself, you can imagine. I knew Sam had a temper, but I never thought he'd actually shoot Dean.

     Standing over Dean, Sam spilled the anger he'd be hiding towards Dean for brushing aside his attempts to find John and stealing away attention that should have been his. I didn't have a clue what the last part was about, or what attention was being taken from him. I tried to bring Sam back by speaking to him, and even compulsion, but it was a powerful possession.

     Dean handed over his gun to Sam, who fired it repeatedly at Dean, only to find it wasn't loaded. Dean overpowered Sam, and knocked him out. We searched the room and found the corpse of Doctor Ellicott stuffed in a cabinet. As we prepared to salt and burn it, the ghost Doctor Ellicott appeared and attacked me first because I was more vulnerable and out in the open. Dean dropped what he was doing to save me, which couldn't have gone worse, because Ellicott attacked him next.

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