The Long Drive (23) Dead Man's Blood {Part Three}

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The Long Drive (23) Dead Man's Blood {Part Three}

In the motel room, Sam paced back and forth, unable to sit still. John sat at the table laxly, glancing at Sam every now and then. I was sitting on Sam's bed, watching him as he went back and forth like a caged tiger.

     "It shouldn't be taking this long. I should go help." said Sam after another minute ticked by.

     "Dean's got it." John tried to assure him, eyes following as he paced still.

     I stood from the end of my bed and walked to the bathroom. Once I'd emptied my bladder (thanks to the two-liter of Sunkist Dean got me) I stood with my ear pressed against the door, listening to John and Sam's conversation.

     "Sammy." said John.


     "I don't think I ever told you this but... the day you were born, you know what I did?"

     "No." Sam replied, interestedly.

     "I put a hundred bucks into a savings account for you…" John told him, "I did the same thing for your brother. It was a college fund." He went on, "And every month I'd put in another hundred dollars, until..." I could practically feel his eyes flashing with hurt the same way they always did when he thought about Mary, "Anyway my point is, Sam, this is never the life that I wanted for you."

     There was a pause in the moment before Sam spoke, "Then why'd you get so mad when I left?

     "You gotta understand something. After your mother passed all I saw was evil, everywhere. And all I cared about was keeping you boys alive. I wanted you... prepared. Ready. Except somewhere along the line I... uh... I stopped being your father and I... I became your, your drill sergeant." John finally acknowledged, "So when you said that you wanted to go away to school, all I could think about, my only thought was, that you were gonna be alone. Vulnerable. Sammy, it just... it never occurred to me what you wanted. I just couldn't accept the fact that you and me-- We're just different."

     There was a huff of laughter from Sam.

     "What?" asked John.

     "We're not different. Not anymore. With what happened to Mom and Jess..." Sam gave another soft laugh, "Well we probably have a lot more in common than just about anyone."

     "I guess you're right, son." John's tone was smiling.

     "Hey Dad?" asked Sam, "Whatever happened to that college fund?"

     "Spent it on ammo."

     As soon as I heard them cracking up I burst forth from the bathroom.

     "You two are so stupid! Come here!" I said, running to hug each of their necks.

     "Roslyn, were you eavesdropping?" John asked as I pulled away from the hug I'd given him.

     "No. I was being alert." I sniffed and straightened my back, "Always gotta be on the guard."

     Sam laughed and shook his head at me, "You're insane."

     "Well, yeah." I answered smoothly, "I've been putting up with Winchester men for nearly a year."

     The door opened and Dean entered then, "Whew. Man, some heavy security to protect a bunch of dead guys."

     "Did you get it?" John asked.

     Dean nodded and fumbled in his pocket, withdrawing a paper bag. The paper bag crinkled in his hands as he opened it and withdrew a bottle full of sticky-looking red liquid. He handed the bottle to John.

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