The Long Drive (18) Shadow {Part One}

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The Long Drive (18) Shadow {Part One}

While hunting a rawhead in an abandoned house one night, Dean was accidentally electrocuted when he stepped into a puddle and had a hundred thousand volts in his hand. Sam and I rushed him to hospital, but the prognosis was pretty bad -- his heart was damaged and they only gave him a few weeks to live.

     I'd been a mess in the hospital. I had a broken heart; I couldn't imagine Dean dead. 

     After hearing the news from Dean's doctor, I went to see him. He was watching TV quietly, clicking through the different channels and not really paying attention. He was an unhealthy sort of pale and had dark circles under his eyes. I couldn't help but think, yes, he did look like he was dying.

     The first time I heard him talk was when it really hit me. Dean, always very strong, sounded incredibly weak, "Have you ever actually watched daytime TV? It's terrible."

     I shook my head and sat by his bed, "I talked to your doctor."

     "That fabric softener teddy bear." He said, ignoring what I said to him, his eyes still not leaving the TV, "Oh, I'm gonna hunt that little bitch down."

     "Dean." I said quietly. My voice was tight and my eyes were watering. I tried to hold back my tears, because I hated crying in front of the Winchesters. I refused to be a simple sadness. I had to be a warrior.

     Dean finally looked up at me. When our gazes touched he realized how serious and upset I was. He clicked the TV off and finally gave me his attention.

     "Yeah. All right, well, looks like you and Sammy are gonna be leaving town without me." He said; his voice sounded resigned.

     "What are you talking about?" I asked, giving him a look of disbelief, "We're not not gonna leave you here."

     "Hey, you better make sure my brother takes care of that car." Dean said, "Or, I swear, I'll haunt both your asses."

     "I don't think that's funny." I said quietly, "Not funny at all."

     "Oh, come on, it's a little funny." He said, sounding humorous. I saw right through it.

     "Are you really such a pretentious bastard that you're making a mockery on your own death bed?" I asked angrily, "Death doesn't just happen to you, Dean! It happens to everyone who cares about you! What do you think this is gonna do to Sam? What do you think this is gonna do to me? I-I hate seeing you like this."

     There was a piercing silence that followed my words, and I could no longer meet his eyes. I looked down, soldiering on, fighting tears. Dean rubbed a hand over his cheek and sighed.

     "What do you want me to say, R? It's a dangerous gig. I drew the short straw. That's it, end of story." He looked away again.

     "It would be hard to fall asleep without you." I said. His eyes shot quickly back to my face. 


     A small smile made an appearance on his lips, "Oh, so we're admitting to that aloud now?"  

     "I'll admit to whatever you want me to if you just stop talking like your fate has been decided."

     "My fate has been decided," He said seriously, "I'm going to die and you need to get used to that."

     "No." I said, "Stop talking like that. I'd miss you."

     "We've only got a little time together anyway. As soon as my dad shows up, we wouldn't see each other much anyway."

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