The Long Drive (11) Skin {Part three}

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The Long Drive (11) Skin, Part 3.

"Damn it." Sam muttered to himself, furiously trying to get the ropes off. Was Roslyn okay? Or had he finished with her? Movement in another area of the room broke him from his thoughts, and he heard someone start coughing.

     "That better be you, Sam, and not that freak of nature." Dean said in a rough, angry voice. He was pissed. That thing was wearing his face!

     Sam let out a laugh, thankful Dean was alright, "Yeah, it's me."

     Dean wiggled around and tossed his head, managing to uncover himself from the sheet. He started to saw his ropes off on a jagged piece of protruding metal near his face.

     "He went to the hotel, looking like you." Sam said, feeling constricted against the ropes, "He wanted Roslyn. I have a feeling that when he's through with her, Becky's next."

     Dean got quiet for a moment, silent fury building within him. In spite of everything, he was starting to grow attached to Ros. Something he'd told Sam not to do; it was becoming a near impossibility to avoid feelings for the woman. "Well, he's not stupid. He knew she'd use her powers and be exhausted, so she couldn't fight back later." He paused, "And that she likes me." What he really meant was 'And that she's trying to prove her worth to me.'

     "And here's the thing. He didn't just look like you, he was you. Or he was becoming you. What if he figures out how to kill Roslyn?" Sam said, remembering the look of pain as the shifter dragged through Dean's thoughts and memories.

     Dean finally sawed his way out of the last couple strands of rope. He shoved the rope off of him and then crossed the room to Sam, "Who would kill Rose when they could use her as a play-thing? Wait-- what do you mean?"

    "I don't know, it was like he was downloading your thoughts and memories."

     "You mean, like the Vulcan mind meld?" Dean asked, referencing the only thing he could think of.

     "Yeah, somethin' like that. I mean, maybe that's why he doesn't just kill us."

     "Maybe he needs to keep us alive. Psychic connection." Dean started untying Sam's ropes.

     "Yeah. Come on, we gotta go. You go get Rebecca, and I'll check on Roslyn." said Sam in rushed words.


Roslyn's POV

When I got to Rebecca's the SWAT team was there. Dammit! The shifter had Dean's face. They'd think it was him.

     They were leaving the house though, and Rebecca was retreating back inside. I waited until all the cars were gone and then rushed to the front door and knocked furiously.

     After a long moment, Rebecca opened the door and eyed me warily, "Roslyn?"

     "Can I come in?"

     "No, that's not a good idea." she said, shaking her head. "I've already gotten a visit from one of you tonight."

     "Becky." I said, my eyes darkening with compulsion, "Let me in. I can help."

     Rebecca let me in and fixed tea for the both of us. We sat down in her upstairs lounge.

     "So that thing wasn't really Dean? It was the shifter?" Rebecca asked in a frightened voice.

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