The Long Drive (9) Skin {Part One}

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The Long Drive (9) Skin {Part One}

I was in an extraordinary mood as I sat in the Impala's back seat. Dean and Sam had decided to let me stay since the first mission went pretty well.

     I saved our asses, although neither of them gave me much else of a reason. But hey, I'm not complaining. Whatever takes me to John Winchester.

     We were stopped for gas and Dean was filling up the tank. The Gas and Gulp was pretty much deserted which was unusual for this time of day. Luna was staying with Bobby and I felt a bit lonely without her.

     I was insanely bored from lack of stimulation by this point in the car trip. I'm usually a laid back person, but since the hunt in Ohio I've been bouncing off the friggen walls. I felt like a badass, which Oz kept reminding me was all my 'evil side' (her, us, whatever).

     Sam was busy checking emails, and well, Dean was being quiet and planning our next move. Ick.

     Dean leaned in the window, letting the tank finish filling, "Alright, so I'm thinking we hit Tucumcary by lunch, then we could take the interstate and be at Bisbee by twelve..."

     Dean cocked his head to the side at Sam who was ignoring him, too engrossed in his stupid phone. Dean glanced back at me, "You were listening, right?"

     "Always." I winked jokingly. I looked from Dean to Sam and reached out, pinching his ear.

     "Ouch!" Sam hissed, slapping his hand to his ear and giving me and incredulous look.

     "Pay attention to me." I pouted, jutting my bottom lip the tiniest bit. His face softened and a quiet affection flittered through the bond. [Oz groaned, 'This is getting too friendly for me. I fucking hate his innocent face. I wish he'd be bad, but he's saintly, just like you."]

     "Sorry." Sam apologized, looking back to his handheld. "I was just checking messages from old college buddies at Standford."

     "You still talk to them?" Dean asked. He sounded neither approving nor disapproving. He was neutral.

     "Yeah." Sam replied. To be honest, it kind of sparked my curiousity as well.

     "So what do you tell them when they ask what you've been doing?" I wondered, turning my gaze upon him.

     "The usual. I tell them I'm roadtripping with some family." He shrugged, "I needed some time off after Jess."

     "So, basically, you lie?" Dean asked. It was my turn to frown at him. To my surprise, he let out a chuckle. "That's why you can't get close to people with a job like this."

     Sam looked unhappy with this answer and went back to checking emails. I puffed up at Dean, "You're really antisocial, you know that?"

     "Always." He winked, mocking me. I made a very unattractive face at him in response and he gave a humored head shake before ducking out of the window of the car to take the pump out of the tank.

     I opened the car door and stepped out, heading for the Gas and Gulp's door.

     "Where are you going?" Dean asked from behind me.

     "To get you free gas." I said, turning to face him. He smiled dumbly as I finished. "You were going to ask."

     "So you're a mind reader now?" He asked jokingly. When I stared at him unblinkingly, he blanched. "What, are you friggen' serious?"

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