The Long Drive (3)

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The Long Drive (3)

Neither Dean nor Sam had admitted it out loud, but they had each noticed the electrifying beauty of this woman-- if she was even a woman.

     'Roslyn.' she had said so sweetly.

     Dean stared at the unconscious body of the girl with curiosity. She obviously wasn't normal, but she certainly hadn't seemed like a threat. He pushed aside that thought and decided right then that he would treat her just like any monster. Minus the immediate slaughter, of course. He didn't even know what would kill her. He had questions.

     Dean's eyes trailed to a mesh bag not far from the woman's body. With extreme caution, he picked it up.

     "Hey, that guy's gonna be okay. He'll have a nasty headache, but he won't need medical attention. They'll all wake up soon and it'll be like a bad dream." Sam said, taking his place next to Dean, "What's that?"

     "Wolfsbane." Dean concluded before pocketing it, "And my guess? That's what made her scream."

     "So what exactly is she?" Sam asked, his eyes not leaving her. He'd desperately hoped they wouldn't have to kill her. Was there even such a thing as a good monster? She seemed so scared and defenseless.

     "I don't have a clue on this one, Sammy." Dean muttered, "Good thing we're headed to Bobby's."


Sam called Bobby ahead of time and made him aware of the situation. Dean had insisted on keeping her tied up in case she woke up before they reached the house. Luckily, no such problem occured.

     Every so often, Sam would throw pitiful, worried looks in the rear-view mirror at her unmoving form.

     "She's fine." Dean tried to reassure his brother, "Bobby'll know what she is and what to do."

     They pulled up to the Singer Junk Lot, and Dean put the Impala into park. He came around to the side and opened the door, sliding out the petite girl. She was light, but had very noticeable curves in all the places she was supposed to.

     Sam trailed behind Dean closely as they made their way into the front of the house and let themselves in; they headed into the living room. Dean rested the girl on one of the old couches.

     "Bobby, you here?" Dean called out.

     "Yeah." Bobby said, rounding the corner, "Wolfsbane, huh? There isn't much so resistant to that. Let alone enough to make it scream. Say, where is the ol' gal?"

     Bobby Singer was an average height man with the same rugged look most hunters have to them. His hair and beard were graying with age and stress. His eyes were dark brown and soft. Today he worse his fishing cap as usual, worn out jeans, and a long sleeved t-shirt and vest.

     Dean made a gesture towards the couch and Bobby went rigid.

     "Is she dangerous?" Dean asked quickly. He and Sam were on instant high alert at Bobby's stiffness.

     "No. You boys have stumbled upon-- and saved the life of-- a Curtanis."

     "A... Curtanis?" Sam asked, as if the word sounded funny in his mouth.

     Bobby gave the boys a look of exahsperation, "Didn't your daddy teach you nothin'?"

     When neither of the Winchester boys spoke, Bobby sighed and looked back to the woman, "The reason I know is because of that symbol 'round her neck. It's Celtic, and the stone is Obsidian. There isn't much lore on them because they tend to stick to the shadows. I was starting to believe they weren't real. When she wakes up, we'll just have to sort fact from fiction."

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