The Long Drive (20) Shadow {Part Three}

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TLD (20) Shadow {Part Three}

The warehouse was just inside a graffiti-covered wall. We entered lightly through the camouflaged door. Sam led us to a broken down elevator gate where we all entered and climbed the side of it, using different bars as footrests. 

     I went first with Dean behind me, and Sam behind him. It wouldn't surprise me if Dean suggested I go first just so he could reach up and push my ass every time it looked like I was having trouble with my footholds.

     When I reached the top, I peaked around first and peered through the gate into the dimly lit room. There was sure enough a black altar in the middle of the room. There were several human hearts on the table, along with other ancient items. In the middle of the altar was the Zoroastrian symbol drawn in blood. I watched silently for a few more moments, clinging on to the bars of the gate. I glanced over and moved to the wall. There was a space I was able to crawl through. I hoisted myself up and climbed into the room, careful to step very lightly. Sam and Dean squeezed in behind me.

     Meg was standing over the black altar, muttering a very ancient incantation. It didn't really sound put together. She didn't sound like she was seriously trying to summon someone. How could someone that summoned a Daeva have such a sloppy incantation?

     Beside me, the Winchesters drew their guns, so I took that as a cue to do the same, and we moved to the other side of the room, hiding behind some crates.

     Suddenly, Meg's incantation stopped, "Guys." I tensed up and noticed Sam and Dean's look at astonishment. "Hiding’s a little bit childish, don’t you think?"

     "Well, that didn’t work out like I planned." Dean said. 

     Meg turned around to face us, "Why don’t you come out?" Sam and Dean came out from behind the crates, and it took a minute before I joined them. I was feeling a bit of stubborn anger towards her.

     "Sam, I have to say, this puts a real crimp in our relationship." said Meg. Her voice was teasing.

     "Yeah, tell me about it." Sam rolled his eyes.

     "So, where’s your little Daeva friend?" Dean asked suspiciously.

     "Around." She gave a coy smile, "You know, that shotgun’s not gonna do much good."

     "Oh, don’t worry, sweetheart." Dean winked, "The shotgun’s not for the demon."

     "So, who is it?" I asked, having lowered my gun by this point, "Who are you waiting for?"


     It was already too late by the time I saw the shadow demon that was forming on the wall. It knocked Sam to the ground and a huge bloody gash of claw marks welled on his face.

     "Sam!" I yelled desperately.

     The Daeva turned on Dean and threw him far back into the crates.  

     "Dean!" I shouted again, tears pricking the back of my eyes. 

     "Well, well, well." said Meg, smirking, "Looks like I just found a weakness."

     "You filthy—!" I couldn't finish my angry outburst because I felt deep claws slice into my abdomen and I cried out in pain. I was flung across the room and knocked unconscious.


When I woke up, I was tied standing up to a large wooden post. Sam and Dean were tied sitting down to two adjacent posts. I could feel blood trickling down my face and my stomach was already starting the self-healing process, but the wounds had been deep and would need a moment to heal.

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