The Long Drive (5)

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The Long Drive (5)

As I woke the next morning, I felt a million times brighter, like a star. My head was in the right place again. Looking around, I saw a clock on the bedside table, reading seven thirty.

     I leaped from the blankets and drew back the curtains in one swift motion. It was a sunny day. I smiled as the warm rays of light rolled over me. I moved away from the window and exited the room. It didn't sound like anyone was awake, which made me happy. It was an opportunity to prove my usefulness with some breakfast.

     I hadn't admitted it, nor was I going to, but Bobby's offer to let me stay had me reeling with an unexplainable happiness.

     I danced my way into the kitchen, my smile fading in the midst of a twirl. Dean had been watching me with a mildly amused face, a cup of coffee in one hand. He was readily dressed for the day, which is more than I can say for myself. I'd gotten up at one point in the night and changed into some sleeping attire from my duffle (I can't believe they actually got it for me. Probably just to trifle through it). My face heated up in embarrassment.

     "You're up early," I said, half-upset my surprise breakfast was ruined.

     "Believe me, it doesn't happen often." Dean said, sitting at the table. "We need to talk."

     I arched an eyebrow before taking my seat next to him. I was certainly curious about whatever he had to say to me.

     "It's about the bond."

     I felt my expression change to shock. "You know?"

     "Bobby told us." He affirmed, "He said it formed when we saved you."

      I nodded, "He wasn't wrong." it didn't surprise me that Bobby had bothered to do his homework, "So what about it?"

     "Do you really feel like you owe us your loyalty?"

     I sighed, "It's not just that. It's this really intense connection. I would walk through the gates of hell with you, like any friend would. I feel... protective. You'll start returning the feelings little by little."

     "No way would I follow you into the gates of hell," Dean rolled his eyes, "No offense, princess, but I just don't know you well enough."

     "The bond isn't one way, Dean. Chances are, you and Sam will never feel it as strongly as I do." I explained, eyeing him to see how he was taking things, "I know you're trying not to trust me, but the bond is making that hard for you. In your heart of hearts, you'd know I'd never hurt you. You know that I would... I would do anything... You can feel it."

     Dean met my eyes with a slight nod, "Look, Ros. You've got to understand how hard this is for me. I was raised believing everything that's not human is evil. But I'm gonna go with you on this one, okay? You're right, this stupid bond-- or whatever it is-- is telling me that your intentions are good. But bond or no bond, if you step out of line, even once, I have a stake being made that's going to be here tonight."

     I smiled at him, feeling happy. He was actually putting aside his feelings for monsters to try to get along with me. "I know, Dean."

     "Bobby thinks you should come with us on our next case." Dean said, taking a long sip of his coffee, "But if we tell him you don't want to go--"

     I cut Dean off with a sharp look, "Of course I'm coming with you guys."

     "No offense, but aren't you kind of--"

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