The Long Drive (21) Dead Man's Blood {Part One}

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Sorry for any mistakes. I haven't edited this yet, but I will soon! It's rushed because it had been a while since I updated and it was on a bit of a cliffhanger last update so I figured I owed you this heheh c: ♥


The Long Drive (21) Dead Man's Blood {Part One}

John and I spent the next few weeks tracking yellow eyes' every move. He had been looking for a way to kill the demon, and I provided the perfect ammunition. There was an antique Revolver crafted by a man named Samuel Colt in 1835. The gun could kill anything or anyone— there were one or two exceptions to this, but a demon was not one of them. Neither was I.

     We eventually tracked the current keeper of this gun, Daniel Elkins, who John said he knew personally. After giving him a call, he claimed he didn't have it, but I believed he was bluffing. I knew better than the slight nervous tone of his voice and the ticks of time inbetween his wording. We decided to later pay his place a visit.

     I was starting to miss the boys, and I think John could tell. Sometimes he'd catch me moping around or watching stupid nighttime TV that I used to watch with Dean. We kept a close eye on the boys as well, without them knowing of course. John was always meticulous about keeping our distance and I didn't really blame him. I didn't want them getting hurt either.

     John and I were friends, but he wasn't nearly as worried about keeping me safe as he would be the boys. He knew if worse got to worse I would be able to handle myself— and if I didn't, so be it. I would just be dead.

     I had been sitting on the computer doing some research, when John entered the hotel room again, holding up a newspaper.

     I turned in the chair away from the computer and towards him, "Whatcha got there, Papa Winchester?"

     He rolled his eyes at his new nickname and set the newspaper in my lap; he took the chair across from me, "Daniel Elkins is dead."

     "What?" I asked incredulously, going wide-eyed and gripping the paper to read the article myself. Sure enough, Daniel Elkins was officially a dead man. He's been found brutally mauled in his home; the home was destroyed, and at first investigators thought it was a bear, but had now found signs of robbery. "We talked to him just a few days ago."

     "I'm thinking vampires." said John, leaning back in his chair, "Daniel and I used to be friends. It was sort of his forte."

     "Okay." I nodded, analyzing our situation, "What are you thinking? Should we go to his place and look for the revolver?"

     "That's the plan." said John, "I wanna get out of here as soon as possible."

     I clicked open a new tab on the laptop and went to the site John and I normally used to track the boys. I entered Dean's cell phone number and sat back as the screen loaded; it was actually pretty scary how easy you could track someone. Then again, I knew all of their tricks and aliases.

     It pulled up a map and a red blip moved down the road towards Manning, Colorado.

     "They're headed to Danny's house." John said as his eyes scanned over the boys coordinates.

      I smiled fondly, "Those damn boys are just like you."


John and I headed towards Elkins' place as soon as possible. It was nightfall by the time we reached his house.

     My eyes landed on another vehicle and I stopped, my heartbeat accelerating excitedly, "Is that…?" I couldn't even finish.

     "It's the Impala, alright." said John, "I'm gonna park in the woods over here and we need to do a quick survey to make sure they weren't followed."

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