The Long Drive (10) Skin {Part Two}

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The Long Drive (10) Skin {Part Two}

Sam made us wake up early that next morning— and I mean early. The kind of early when you're still so sleepy you feel like you're in a drug haze.

     He hadn't given much insight where we were going, but I at least got a fifteen minute nap (however ungraceful that may have been) in the impala's back seat on the way to our destination.

     It was one of the rare occasions where Sam drove. He pulled the Impala up to the curve behind Zack's house.

     I sat up groggily in my seat and climbed out of the car, dead set on not tripping anywhere, because boy did the ground seem unsteady.

     "Alright, so what are we doin’ here at 5:30 in the morning?" Dean echoed my thoughts. The coffee in his hand's steam rose up in the cool morning air. I stole it from his hands and took a long, but careful sip, and placed it back, walking to where Sam stood.

     "I realized something." Sam said, thoroughly searching for something, "The videotape shows the killer going in, but not coming out."

     "So, he came out the back door?" Dean guessed, as he leaned against the hood of his car.

     "Right. So, there should be a trail to follow. A trail the police would never pursue."

     "Because they think the killer never left. And they caught your friend Zack inside. But I'm with Dean; I still don’t know what we’re doin’ here at 5:30 in the morning." I frowned at Sam, but he seemed to ignore it and looked around the outside of the building. There was a smear of blood on a nearby telephone pole.

     "Blood. Somebody came this way." Sam pointed out. Dean walked closer to look at the stain, and then around the area as well.

     "Yeah, but the trail ends. I don’t see anything over here."

     An noisy ambulance sped past the three of us, whirring it's sirens loudly and racing down the street.

     "We better check that out." I said to the boys. They nodded in agreement and we all loaded back into the Impala, tailing the ambulance quickly without doing anything too illegal.

     What we were looking for wasn't that hard to find. Outside the house where the ambulance had pulled up, was a group of spectators standing behind crime scene tape.

     A large black cop car was parked on the curb. There were two burly police men in uniforms handcuffing an Asian man and stuffing him into the back of the police cruiser. He seemed like he'd been dressed for business, his hair was tidy and he was clean shaven. The look on the man's face was bleak, shocked, and definitely hurt. Tear pathways were shining on his flushed cheeks.

     "Oh, my." I couldn't help what slipped from my mouth. I felt bad for him— whoever he was. His aura was pained and I frowned.

     "What is it, Ros?" Dean chided in my ear, "Got a thing for men in suits?"

     Recognizing this as playful I rolled my eyes, "Don't all women?"

     "You're such a pervert." Sam said, nudging me with a small smile. I laughed out loud, despite the gloomy air. They were great.

     "Way to gang up on the house elf." I muttered to myself.

      Dean turned to one of the women who was standing with the spectator crowd, looking wide eyed and nosy, "What happened?"

     "He tried to kill his wife." She spared a glance at Dean, and did a double take; he was shockingly beautiful, just like his brother. "Tied her up and beat her."

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