The Long Drive (4)

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The Long Drive (4)

After all the questions about who I was and what I was doing, I was waiting on the one that would send me away.

     "Where do you live?" Sam asked, "We can take you where you need to go."

     It was with clear vision I was finally able to admire Sam. He was very tall, with broad shoulders and lean, hard muscle. He had eyes like pools of fresh spring water and a face I imagine was hard to be mad at. His hair was dark and disheveled neatly.

     "I can't go home." I said sadly, "The demons will be there."

     "Is there anywhere you can go?" Dean asked. I imagine he was trying to be helpful. Or just trying get rid of me.

     Dean was every bit as attractive as his brother. He had rugged features toughened by the job, I suppose. He had tidily cropped hair as dark as Sam's, and eyes that weren't quite blue and weren't quite green. Like the sea after a storm.

     "No." I said, shaking my head, "But there is someone you can help me find."

     "Who?" asked Dean.

     "Well, he's a hunter." I said, hoping they'd have a connection. "His name is John Winchester."

     Everyone froze, and I started to get the sinking feeling that I may have said something wrong. What if they didn't like John and took it out on me?

    "How do you know John?" Bobby asked. I couldn't help but notice the look Sam and Dean were sharing. It was conflicted.

     "John was the first hunter I met... and the last one I trusted." I said gravely, "When I was eighteen, it was the first time I tried to live here. I used to visit hospitals and try to heal as many patients as I could until I dropped from exhaustion. I made a wrong move and went to a hospital that had a Shtriga. Shtriga's feed on life essence. John was there, hunting it. I, of course, have a stronger life essence than any other being, so it made me a big target. John saved me, but wasted no time interrogating me. He helped me escape away to a safe place, and that was the first time it really occured to me that being a Curtanis makes everything that goes bump in the night come after you."

     "Why's it so important that you find him?" Dean asked, suspicion and distrust welling in his eyes and voice.

     "I'm a little better with my abilities and managing the curse than I was when we first met. I need protection to become stronger, and he may need a healer." I explained. I paused for a moment, "Or bait. I'd be pretty good at that, I think."

     "So you plan on using the poor guy, is that it?" Dean asked bitterly, "Did you ever think you may be a danger to him?"

     "Bite your tongue! John Winchester was my friend! I'd protect him with my life."

     The room settled back down and I glared at Dean angrily, challenging him to say something to me.

     Bobby stood to his feet, "You'll have to excuse the boy. He's six kinds of stupid."

     "John Winchester is our father." Sam said in an even tone. I felt my face light up like the fourth of July. This was great news! Either it was the angels at work or a total stroke of luck. Why did everyone seem so serious? I was talking to the Winchester boys!

     "Great! That's where you can take me, then." I smiled broadly.

     "It's not that simple." Dean replied stiffly. "He went missing while working on a case."

     My heart sank. The John I knew was invincible. Nothing could hurt him. He was my first and only choice if I was going to be with a hunter for an extended amount of time.

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