The Long Drive (7) Bloody Mary {Part Two}

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The Long Drive (7) Bloody Mary {Part Two}

Sam woke fairly early that morning. He felt fairly rested, even though his sleep had been pretty choppy. Luna was curled up around his head purring. He rubbed his eyes and looked over to the bed where Dean and Roslyn slept. He smiled a bit, but couldn't help the small feeling of longing to be where Dean lay.

    Dean's mouth was parted only slightly open; he was taking up a great portion of the bed. Roslyn was tucked up under Dean like a life-sized teddy bear, her soft looking pink lips tipped up into a dreamy half smile.

     Sam's phone began going off noisily, causing the pair to stir. Roslyn turned a bit more, burying her face into the arm Dean had behind her head. Sam looked at the called ID with an unknown number. He clicked it open curious to who it was, and hopeful it might be his dad.

     "Hello?" Sam answered, not meaning to sound so tired.

     "Hi." The voice was sobbing. "God, I don't even remember your name. But you said to call if anything weird happened."

     "Charlie? It's Sam, by the way." He said, "Where are you?"

     "The park down by Woodward." she answered, "Can you meet me?"

    "Uh, yeah." He said, getting up, "Sure."

     "See ya." She sniffed.


     Roslyn peeked open her eyes at Sam, noting how much she loved it when he looked sleepy.

     "What's the rush?" She asked, stretching out of Dean's arms. He subconsciously buried his face in her back as she sat up.

     "Get dressed." Sam said, ignoring her question, "Charlie called."


Roslyn's POV

When we arrived at the park, Charlie wasn't hard to find. She was a sobbing mess on one of the nearby park benches.

      "... they found Jill on the bathroom floor." She cried, recounting the story for us. "And um... her- her eyes, they were gone."

     "I'm so sorry." I said, sitting next to Charlie. Jill had been the one I saw mentally undressing the Sam and Dean in her friend's time of need.

["I'm glad that ghost ganked the bitch." Oz muttered.]

     "And she said it." Charlie wiped her face on her shirt sleeve. I looked up at Sam and Dean. "I heard her say it. But it couldn't be because of that. I'm insane, right?"

     "No, you're not insane." Dean said, trying to console her.

     "Oh God, that makes me feel so much worse."

     "What I wanna know is why she said it." said Dean. Were all kids friggen idiots?

     "She didn't believe it." Charlie whispered.

     I looked back to the boys, definite worry etched into my features. "It's only a matter of time before someone else tries it."

     "Look. We think something's happening here. Something that can't be explained." Sam said gently to Charlie. She turned her puffy, red-rimmed eyes to him and nodded reluctantly.

    "And we're gonna stop it but we could use your help."

     Dean convinced her to take us to Jill's house so we could take a more thorough look into the murder. Charlie locked the door behind herself and opened the window, where Sam, Dean, and I were waiting to enter. Sam entered first and helped me inside. Dean threw Sam a large duffel bag that he caught with ease. He sat it on the bed and began going through it.

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