The Long Drive (16) Scarecrow {Part Two}

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Scarecrow (16) {Part Two}

Dean and I had to pull over for a few hours to nap after Sam left, because I can't exactly drive, and Dean certainly wouldn't trust me to touch the Impala while he got some shut eye.

     It was daylight now, very early in the day, and we'd finally reached Burkitsville, Indiana. In town, Dean parked on the side of the road and took out his cell phone.

     He must not have thought I was looking, but I watched curiously as he scrolled down to the name “Sam Mobile” considered calling Sam. 

     "He's your brother." I said. Dean looked up at me, shocked to see that I was still there in the front seat with him. "Just suck it up and call him."

     He instantly closed his cell phone and his snarky voice muttered, "You're barely over midget height, you don't get to tell me what to do."

     "Not my fault thatb all you Winchesters are Jolly-Green Giants." I rolled my eyes as he shut off the car and opened the door to get out. I followed suit.

     We approached a quaint little structure with the title "Scotty’s Café." A man with dark hair, stoic eyes, pleated jeans, a button up shirt, and working boots was sitting in a rocking chair on the porch. 

     "Let me guess." Dean started off conversationally, pointing to the large 'Scotty's Cafè' and then to the man himself, "Scotty."

     The man glanced up at the sign, "Yep." 

     "Hi, my name’s John Bonham." Dean said. My smile automatically faltered. He could've at least went with something a little more subtle. "And this is my friend, Jillian Greene."

     "Isn’t John Bonham the drummer for Led Zeppelin?" Scotty asked. 

     Dean was taken aback, smiling, "Wow. Good. Classic rock fan."

     "What can I do for you?"

     I took both of the folded up papers out of my pocket that I'd been reviewing in the car, hoping maybe I'd get some type of premonition. They were Missing Person flyers for Holly and Vince Parker, the couple that had went missing last year.

     "We were just wondering if you’d maybe seen these people." I said, handing him the flyers. Scotty looked at the flyers for a brief moment, no change in disposition or expression. 

     "Nope." He answered. "Who are they?"

     "Friends of ours. They went missing about a year ago." I said, "They passed through somewhere around here, and we’ve already asked around Scottsburg and Salem—"

     "Sorry." Scotty shrugged, handing me back the flyers. "We don’t get many strangers around here."

     "Jilly, can you walk me out to the car for a second?" Dean asked, "I think I left my smokes."

     He obviously wanted to talk, because I knew he didn't smoke. I nodded my head. 

     Once we were out of earshot Dean glanced at me, "You feelin' okay?" 

     "I'm guessing that's code for, ‘you feelin' up to compulsion?’ Which, by the way, is a hell yes."

     Dean grinned at me, "I'm liking the enthusiasm, R."

     "Yeah, well, I get this feeling that he's lying to me and I hate being lied to." I said, glancing back at Scotty. 

     "Here's your chance to be a badass."

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