The Long Drive (6) Bloody Mary {Part One}

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The Long Drive (6) Bloody Mary {Part One}

As we neared Toledo, Ohio, I felt my eyes droop with sleep deprevation. The Winchesters had kept me up with the non-stop flow of conversation. Luna laid beside me in the leather interior of the implala's backseat, her purr warm and comforting.

     The classic rock that streamed from Dean's radio was the perfect road music. I'd lived for a very long time, still young for a Curtanis, and listened to a wide range of musical artists. Dean's music taste fits my own quite nicely.

     My eyes drooped against the friendly environment; sleep called out to me. I gave in to my urge and nodded off with my head against the window.

     After a brief blackness, my surroundings melded and changed into a beautiful garden. I recognized this place as a far off corner of heaven, one of an autistic man who drowned in a bathtub. The garden was full of exotic, colorful flowers and rolling green meadows. I turned around, the soft green grass cushioning my bare feet. A soft breeze blew the plain white dress I was wearing; it was a few inches above my knees with thin straps and a straight neckline. My hair fell in it's usual ringlets and my eyes scanned the meadow.

     "Hello, kitten." an annoying voice with a Shakespearean lilt said cheerily.

     I turned around again to see the angel Isaac in his usual dress shirt and dark jeans. His eyes were a metallic blue and his hair was a raven black. He was standing by a rose bush and fiddling with it. A burning hatred filled me through and through. Isaac was no friend of mine; he can make the illusion for himself that I may just be joking, but I honest to all goodness hate him.

     "You summoned me." I said stonily, "Why?"

     "You look disappointed, love." Isaac teased me, "And before you start throwing a tantrum, Castiel was busy. They sent me with a question."

     I sighed, knowing the 'they' meant the angels that took direct orders from God. I would have loved to see Castiel or even Balthazar. "Will this take long? I'm roadtripping with the Winchesters."

     "Ah, right. You're new favorite pets." His eyes flickered. I couldn't quite tell if it was mischevious or muddled with anger. "You're quite fond of them, aren't you?"

     I did not budge. I would not let his mockery phase me, "I do hope it's not your jealousy speaking for you. You stray from your point, Isaac."

     "Right." He said, his beautiful blue eyes flashing. "Have they been questioning you of the existence of angels?"

     "No. I doubt they're even believers. Why's it matter? You know I can't reveal heaven's secrets. It's the way you made me."

     It was true. No matter how bad I'm beat, interrogated, or tortured, I absolutely cannot reveal a secret of heaven. If I try, it's like choking on fire. My own words are evaporated into nothingness.

     "And what a flawless design you are, dear Roslyn." He winked mockingly as he began near me. I felt bile rise in the back of my throat. Isaac and I used to be very close. "But, despite what any of the others think of you, I happen to know, if you really wanted, you'd find a way around your true loyalties."

     Before I could respond to ask if he knew about the bond, he snapped his fingers. I was once again in blackness, but aware of my surroundings. I could feel the leather beneath me and hear Def Leppard on the radio. I opened my eyes and sat up at the sound of a dreadfully moaning Sam. I slid forward to peek over and see if he was okay, but Dean was already shaking him awake.

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