The Long Drive (12) Home {Part One}

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Home (12) {Part 1}

The two most recent hunts we'd been on had gone about as smoothly as the first two. We arrived in Ankeny, Iowa to investigate the case, intrigued because the witness reported that the attacker was invisible. At the fraternity house where Rich (the victim) lived, we found out he was seeing Lori, who was the daughter of Reverend Sorenson, and also witnessed what happened.

     I had to pose as a sorority sister and bond with all the girls for that hunt. It was torture. They wanted to wax my legs and other unmentionables, which by the way, never grew hair. Perk of being supernatural numero uno, I didn't have to shave. I'd gotten so piss-drunk with Lori and her best friend that I called Dean and asked him to bring me Reese's ice cream. He never did. In fact, I'm not sure if he was mad at me or proud.

     I'm getting off topic. We attended a service at he Reverend's church upon first arriving (pre drunk ice-cream call), and spoke to Lori.

     The story sounded a lot like the Hook Man Legend. In 1862 a preacher named Jacob Karns killed 13 prostitutes using the hook he wore in place of the hand he lost in an accident, thus becoming the infamous Hookman.

     The night I drank with Taylor and Lori, the boys investigated 9 mile road, only to be caught by a sheriff. I got a call back from them after the whole ice cream ordeal and a bit of sobering up. After going and bailing them out, I returned to the house and went to bed. I woke up very early to the sounds of Lori's screaming. Taylor had been murdered right under my nose. I'm still pretty messed up about that one.

     We postulated that the spirit of Karns was latching onto the reverend's repressed emotions and killing those he felt were immoral. Dean and I went to find Karn's grave, and Sam went to watch over Lori. She revealed to Sam that she found out her father had been having an affair with a married woman.

     Dean and I salted and burned Karns' corpse at the Old North Cemetery but it didn't stop Jacob Karns reappearing and attacking Reverend Sorensen, witnessed by Sam and Lori.

     The next day, Sam proposed that Jacob's spirit had latched onto Lori rather than her father. Turns out, Karns' hook wasn't buried with him, it was melted down and made into objects for the church. We gathered all the silver from the Sorensen's house and the church and start throwing all the silver objects into a furnace (yay, more felonies). The Hookman still made an appearance and attacked.

     As it turns out, Lori owned a silver necklace made from the hook. I used magic to melt the necklace and the Hookman disappeared. At least I knew I was improving in my powers.

     We went back to the hotel room later and Sam confessed with a smile on his face that he had had kissed Lori on the night I salted bones with Dean. Oz melded into me with a raging fury. I clamped my eyes shut after hearing the news, left the boys, and got far away from the hotel. I broke and smashed anything I could find. Basically, I obliterated most mail boxes and garbage cans within a three mile radius. My jealousy had been as hellish as the red of my eyes, but I came back later in the night acting normally again as if it were just a midnight stroll.

     Not long after that there was another case in Oasis Plains, Oklahoma. A gas company employee, Dustin Burwash, died from a sudden brain degeneration. Dustin's partner Travis said he'd fallen into a sinkhole and suddenly started bleeding from his eyes, ears, and nose. We investigated the hole and find some beetles, but nothing more.

     The realtors of the property Larry Pike and Lynda Bloome assumed that I had a polyamorous relationship with Sam and Dean, which shocked me to say the least; I don't think most girls would complain about a polyamorous relationship with the Winchesters, but it was strange nonetheless. They also assumed Sam and Dean were MUCH more than brothers. Upon research, we learned that the two were building on ancient burial ground. There was a story that the tribe that lived in Oasis Plains was slaughtered by the cavalry over six days, and as the chief of the tribe lay dying on the 6th night, he cursed the land. We tried to warn the family just as the sky was blackened with swarms of insects.

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