The Long Drive (22) Dead Man's Blood {Part Two}

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The Long Drive (22) Dead Man's Blood {Part Two}

Sam drove the Impala behind John and I down the darkening road. He'd insisted on not telling them where we were going and I was beginning to be really fed up with his secrecy. It was going to cause friction that I think was best avoided. 

     "You could be a little more understanding, you know." I chastised. He sighed, probably fed up with my constant nagging, "We'd been looking for you all year."

     "Roslyn, I'm their father." John said, glancing at me, "I have a right to keep what I want to myself. And I expect them to be obedient."

     This statement was so berserk that it sent me into a slightly open-mouthed glare, "Oh, I don't think so. They might be your sons, but they aren't children. They're grown freaking men. You can't expect them to fall in line on your shit need-to-know deal."

     He looked a bit surprised at my audacity, "I do what I do for a reason."

     "What reason?" I scoffed, throwing my hands up.

     "Our job. It's just the way I run things." He said smoothly, taking a turn around a dark street, "It's for their own protection. It's better they don't ask questions and just do what I say, because in our job there's no margin for error."

     "You're a real piece of work." I said shrewdly, crossing my arms.

     Silence was met over the next fifteen minutes or so. John and I rarely argued, but I felt so defensive over the boys and their feelings that his behavior was beginning to seriously irk me. I felt the need to give them a voice since John seemed to tune them out.

     John pulled out his phone and called Dean. I glanced in the rear view mirror to watch as Dean flipped open the phone to answer after a few rings. I noticed Sam in the driver's seat looking incredibly sulky. 

     "Yeah dad?" His muffled voice carried through the receiver.

     "Hey Dean, I'm gonna need you guys to pull off at the next exit." said John, "I think we've got the Vamp's trail."

     "Alright, got it." Dean replied resiliently. 

     Listening to how robotically subservient John's oldest son was made me sick to my stomach. He treated John like a drill sergeant and followed his every plan without requiring any sort of explanation. He was raised to be this way, which was perhaps the one thing I resented about John.

     "Didn't even say what made you think we had the trail." I muttered, rubbing my temple.

     "They don't need to know." He replied dismissively, "It can all be explained in due time—"

     Almost as soon as the words left his mouth, the loud sound of the growing purr of the Impala's engine being gunned interrupted John.

     I turned in my seat to see Sam looking angry, and Dean staring at his brother like he was absolutely nuts. Sam sped past us and overtook the truck. 

     "What the hell?" John said, staring ahead.

     "I smell trouble." I sighed, looking over to John, "I also smell that it's all your fault, Papa Winchester."

     Once in front of the truck, Sam slammed recklessly on the brakes, causing the Impala to swerve sideways in front of us. I grabbed the handle above the door as John hit his breaks hard, stopping just in time; the seatbelt gave me whiplash as I was flung forward, nearly slamming into the dashboard.

     Things were barely able to calm down before Sam came tearing out of the Impala, fury written all over his gorgeous features. 

     "Sam!" I could hear Dean yell as he followed him out of the car.

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