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Kageyama x male reader


"make sure to not mess this up okay kageyama? Good luck!" Sugawara says goodbye to kageyama and shuts the door once he left.

"are you guys prepared?" he turns around and faces the others, "we're ready to go." daichi gives the thumbs up, sugawara nods with approval and wears his cap, mask and sunglasses. "alright let's go and see who kageyama is going out with today." and leaves his house.

Just for the record, this story includes everyone in karasuno.

"who do you think has the guts the date bakayama?" hinata ask tsukishima, "as if I'd know, it be a miracle that he's got something more important than set volleyballs with you." tsukishima retorts and follows daichi and sugawara from behind.

Shuffle shuffle

They secretly followed kageyama as he board the train and headed towards Tokyo to meet his so called 'friend'. "how long till we reach Tokyo~ I'm so bored!" hinata whines and turns his seat around. "hinata! Shhh! Kageyama could hear us if we aren't quiet!" yamaguchi frantically ushers hinata and checks if kageyama had seen then, thankfully kageyama was busy with his phone, tapping away and turning it off to check the scenery outside.

"hey who do you reckon it is tsukishima?" yamaguchi asked, "I'd say it's Misturi from his class, her eyes were always on him either its class time or free time." 

"then what about that girl with the braids? Doesn't she always leave notes in his locker every day after class?" 

"yeah but I heard she was rejected by kageyama once he found out that it was her." 

"... How about Kata? I'm sure it's him! He always by kageyama's side and never leaves him unless their heading home or meeting with someone!" hinata surprisingly ends up with a good conclusion that even tsukishima agreed...

"I mean, it could be him but we won't know for sure." sugawara reminds them and kept their focus on the blue haired boy.

"he looks like the protagonist..." "isn't he?" tanaka said gritting his teeth and leaning backwards.

After a few more stops ahead and kageyama got off, the others follow and continued to tail him.

After a few minutes of walking, kageyama stops when he hears a voice call out to him "Tobio! There you are," "sorry to keep you waiting, I was at home trying to find where I had place my phone." 

"-?!" "eh...?" EEEEEHHH???!! They stared at kageyama and the other person.

It was (y/n) from the photography club! 

"i-it was HIM??!! Our sweet innocent (y/n)??!" Tanaka gasped out loud, his eyes must be deceiving him somehow... How could anyone as cute and pure as he is be in a relationship with a picky and tall blueberry haired setter like kageyama?! 

"let's go on our date, I made sure to book the place beforehand and managed to snag a discount while I'm at it!" (y/n) pulls along kageyama to a restaurant, the others quickly snapped out of their shock and continued to follow them to the restaurant. 

(I'm going to skip to the end of the date since I have no idea what to do next... ;-;)

"bye kageyama, I had a great time with you today." "me too, if you want... We can go on another date some time." kageyama looks away to hide his blushing cheeks.

"sure, but when will we tell your team mates about-" 

"m-maybe next time (n/n)! But for now, I don't want them to know or else they'll..." kageyama tries to find the words but (y/n) just chuckles at him and said "it's alright,  I'll wait as long as you want, good night Tobio." he gives kageyama a kiss on the lips and heads back to his home.

"he... HE-" "not now nishinoya! We can't afford to get caught after our last encounter!" sugawara covers nishinoya's mouth and continues to monitor kageyama, who stood at the front porch with a somewhat dazed look before turning around and walking back to the train station with a happy look on his face.

"he got a kiss from (y/n)! A kiss!!" 

"never in my life have I thought that stoic blueberry hair of a setter would actually manage to get a date with the most innocent student in our school... To think he actually got a kiss at the end too..." tsukishima pushes his glasses up and clicks his tongue.

"okay you guys, now that we're done following him, can we please head back home? I'm really getting tired right now." daichi ushers sugawara and the others back to the train station.

Next day kageyama was met with glares by his team mates and was interrogated by Nishinoya and Tanaka about how he managed to keep his secret relationship with (y/n), the most pure and innocent student in school.

Ideas... I hate my ideas -cries crocodile tears-

𝕊𝕜𝕪 𝕔𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕕𝕤 (various! haikyuu x male reader) one shotWhere stories live. Discover now