Hamari Beti....Meesam

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Hello Guys!!!

Thank you so much everyone for so much love and appreciation for my work, I am very happy to see you all enjoying the work.

This is dedicated to @khola76, thank you for the appreciation and the request, I hope you I do justice to your expectations, do let me the feedback!

So, this starts from when Murtasim shuts everyone up for accusing Meerab and takes her wife and daughter to their room. For the sake of this one shot, Murtasim hasn't taken Meesam into his arms yet. This is my version of how I wanted Murtasim to finally be properly introduced to Meesam. Hope you enjoy it!


Murtasim guides Meerab and his daughter to their room. He is constantly looking at Meesam and is feeling very bad to hear her cry her eyes out. He thinks, 'Maybe she is scared by all the shouting and after being pushed by Haya.' They reach their room and Meerab goes to check on Meesam.

Once, Meerab has successfully calmed Meesam, Murtasim cautiously approached them and asks Meerab softly, "Kya naam hain iska?" Meerab looks at him with a soft smile and says softly, "Meesam...."

Murtasim thinks, 'Meesam....Meri beti...Meesam...' He looks at her so lovingly that Meerab almost wants to cry. Murtasim gulps and asks Meerab, "May I?" Meerab looks at Murtasim and then at Meesam and again at Murtasim and slowly nods. 

She moves to give space to her husband and he cautiously takes seat near his daughter. Meesam stirs slowly in her sleep and Murtasim stops completely in her movements and looks at Meerab scared. Meerab gently smiles at him and nods for him to sit by her.

Murtasim relieved sits beside his daughter and looks at her with tears in his eyes. Meerab can't believe that The Khan Murtasim Khan can be so soft and caring, scared to this extent. Murtasim tilts his head to look at the peaceful face of Meesam, sleeping blissfully. 

Murtasim, "Can I touch her?" Meerab nods with a smile. Murtasim slowly caress her forehead. He asks again, "Pyaar kar lo isse?" Meerab smiles and nods again, surprised to see him being so cautious. Murtasim kisses Meesam's forehead and her small tiny fingers. 

Just when Murtasim was about leave her hand, her fingers clasped around his index finger and he gave out a small gasp at the feeling of his daughter holding his fingers so tightly. Meerab looks at them in awe and is lost in the thoughts of how amazing a father will Murtasim be.

Murtasim can't control his emotions anymore and lets a tear slips his eyes and closed them. Meerab feels touched and also sad for Murtasim as he lost the most important early months of his daughter and also all the moments during the pregnacy, the first ultrasound, the first picture, the heartbeat, the first kick, the birth and holding her for the first time.

She doesn't realize when she started to cry and comes out of the trance when Murtasim holds her hand. She looks at her and finds him in a similar state as if knowing exactly what she was thinking. He urges her to sit by them.

Meerab takes a seat beside them and looks more closely at Meesam tightly clutching Murtasim's finger. She feels so touched by the trust Meesam has on Murtasim without having spend any time with him. She looks at Murtasim again, he is already looking at her. 

Their eye lock is broken by Meesam crying suddenly, Murtasim doesn't know what to do and just pats her stomach to calm her down, Meerab makes no move to help and lets Murtasim have his moment with his daughter. 

Meesam does not calm down and Murtasim wants to cry too seeing her cry so much. Meerab finally steps in by checking her nappy and it is wet. Meerab, "She needs a nappy change."

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