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Ruby POV

Now I'm alone again.

Back in my classes but you see unlike Mrs.Riley's class all my other ones are stacked up to the brim like from wall to wall there's students, this class is one of those classes.

I sat once again near a window seat that was nearest to the door, but sadly I didn't get the nearest, nearest because someone had already taken it by the time I got there but I also got a window seat so I can't complain.

I sat quietly in my seat doodling in my notebook before I heard people sitting in the row behind me, and here I thought I'd have some peace and quiet from behind me.

"Hey are you Tera's roommate?" A voice asked from behind me making me turn around to see the girl from the parking lot with girls sitting all around her.

"Yes I am, and you are?" I asked looking at her with a plain look as she chuckled.

"You know who I am, stop messing." She said as I gave her an agitated look next with confusion which made her realize that I actually didn't know who this clown was.

"OH. MY. GOD. you actually don't know." She said exaggerating as her group of friends looked at me like I was dumb or something before she looked at me again with a grin.

"I'm Chasity Roberts." She said almost as if she was looking down on me just with a name, is this how college people bully? Because I'm so confused.

"I'm sorry who? Is that name supposed to mean anything to me?" I asked, genuinely confused but also amused at how she thought I'm supposed to know everyone and anyone who comes through here.

"Excuse me? Did she just ask if the name meant anything?" One of her goons asked as the others looked like I had just committed a crime or something.

"No ladies it's ok she's new here." She said to her audience before turning to me.

"I'm the most popular within the freshman." She said proudly as I looked at her with an annoyed nod.

"Good for you Chasity." I said in the most polite way before turning my attention back to my lovely doodles.

"Hey, wait could you do me a solid?" She asked from behind me, I was planning on ignoring her but she continued.

"Could you possibly give me her number please?" She asked causing me to freeze.


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