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Tera POV

I woke up with the sun's rays blazing in my eyes making me groan as I sat up and looked over to Ruby's side to see a huge hump of blankets still on the bed, must be still sleeping.

"Bee?" I said trying to wake her up without having to get up off the bed but then weirdly there was no reply.

"Little artist?" I said as I got up and walked over to her side lightly pushing down on the blankets to feel nothing under.

She wasn't home? That's weird.

I could have sworn all her classes weren't in the early morning it means she had to walk alone too, should have woken me up I wouldn't have cared.

I looked around the dorm until my eyes met the bag of food on the table I walked over to it to get a better look at it as I rubbed my still a bit foggy eye sight.

I grabbed the yellow sticky note and began to read the note.

I got this for you hope I got the order right also no overworking yourself today.

P.S. I was going to wake you up but I couldn't because you wouldn't get up


I smiled at the note as I opened up the bag to see my order in all of its perfection somehow everything she does is perfect at least in my eyes this thought made me chuckle.

"You got it just right my little artist." I said to myself as I started grabbing all the food out and began eating it in peace before I had to face the hectic day of classes.

I smiled as I felt the hunger slowly go away as I continued to eat.

"This is gonna take me a long way today." I said to myself before I finished up my food before getting ready myself and heading out the door before I left I took a picture of the now empty food and sent it to Ruby.

Me- Thank you for the food little artist 😊

Me- Hope you have a good day in your classes also tell me if the girl bothers you please

I smiled as I sent the text and saw that she was online meaning she was reading then I did one last double take around the dorm room before I left from my morning classes.

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