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Ruby POV

After our movie night I felt calm and safe but now that I'm actually within the college walls I feel like I'm being watched I don't know if that's a good thing or not but I'm assuming it's not.

All the halls I walk in I hear people talking and whispering about me before walking away from me it's almost like I'm the plague and, I have a bad feeling about it.

I walked into professor Riley's classroom and shut the door quickly behind me locking it to make sure that no one could get in.

"We may or may not have a problem." I said as I looked at her making her look at me with a worried look.

"Ok what do you mean by that?" She asked, concerned.

"Well I did what you said and I did a little prank and now I feel as if she has people following me around, and people treating me like I'm the plague itself and I don't know what to do." I explained as she nodded understandingly.

"And this is the same girl from before?" She asked as I nodded.

"Then stay in places full of people whether that be people that know you or just people you talk to sometimes whenever it may be STAY WITH PEOPLE YOU KNOW." She said as I nodded.

"I know it might seem a little bit weird that I'm telling you this but take it as a warning ok?" She told me as I nodded.

"Whatever your stomach tells you from this moment on, LISTEN to it no matter what ok?" She told me and yet again I nodded.

"Now staying here for this period of time and, if she's in any of your other classes and even in the one she is in separate yourself from her and don't antagonize ok?" She said as I nodded taking her words most serious.

"Ok so stay away from her, don't let her get on my nerves and, be around a bunch of people at all times, got it." I repeated as she nodded in agreement pulling up a chair right beside her patting it.

"Now come sit and tell me how all of this unfolded." She said as I nodded setting my stuff down by the chair before I started to explain everything that had happened from start to finish.

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