Chapter 4

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Jungkook was heavily breathing as he spoke, "She took him with her... They just left 15 minutes ago."

Ara, concerned, asked, "Oppa, do you have any idea where she might have taken him?"

Jungkook replied, "No, but we can find out his location."

Curious, Jennie inquired, "How?"

Jungkook explained, "I attached a tracking device to him because I had doubts about that girl."

Jimin, puzzled, asked, "Doubts? About what?"

Jungkook elaborated, "She was pretending to be someone else, and it turns out my suspicions were true."

Jimin questioned further, "What do you mean?"

Jungkook revealed, "She doesn't work for Kai... Jimin, do you remember Mr. Jung?"

Jimin thought for a moment, "Mr. Jung?"

Jungkook clarified, "Jung Woong-in."

Jimin recalled, "The drug supplier?"

Jungkook nodded, saying, "Yes, he sent his daughter to trap Taehyung, and she ended up dying."

Jimin, shocked, responded, "Yes."

Jungkook added, "Do you remember her...?"

Jimin shook his head, "No."

Jungkook uttered solemnly, "It's Irene."

Jimin exclaimed in surprise, "What?"

The group was left in confusion, trying to comprehend the situation.

Ara pleaded, "Oppa, find out their location. We need to go and save him before she does something to him."

Everyone anxiously awaited Jungkook's discovery of the location.

Jungkook announced, "Guys, I found it."

Determined, Jennie declared, "Then let's go."

After a long search, we finally arrived at our destination—a dense forest. The darkness of the night made Jungkook and Jimin cautious about venturing inside, as it would be dangerous. They decided it would be best to wait until morning. However, my mind and heart were unwilling to accept this delay. When the others succumbed to sleep, a surge of determination propelled me to take matters into my own hands and embark on a solo search for Taehyung.

Silently, I eased open the car door, carefully retrieved Jungkook's phone, and ventured towards the foreboding darkness of the forest. Each step I took was cautious, knowing the potential dangers that lurked within. Finally, after a strenuous walk, I stumbled upon an aged house. The tracker indicated that this was likely the place where she had held Taehyung captive.

"He must be inside," I whispered to myself, resolute in my pursuit. With a deep breath, I entered the house, unaware that Jennie and the others had become aware of my decision to venture into the forest and were stealthily following behind.

Inside the house, I methodically searched for Taehyung, and my eyes were drawn to something that seized my attention. There, on the ground, lay a motionless body. Slowly, I turned the figure to face me, and my heart shattered as I recognized Taehyung's battered form. Tears welled up in my eyes as I desperately tried to rouse him. Gently, I checked his pulse, finding a glimmer of relief as I discovered that he was alive, though terribly wounded. His lips were stained with blood, and his body bore numerous wounds. Summoning every ounce of strength, I lifted him into my arms and made my way towards the main door, driven by the urgency to get him to safety. However, just as I approached the threshold, a voice called out, shattering the eerie silence of the house.

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