Chapter 29

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Taehyung rushed into the room, his heart lurching at the sight of Ara's motionless form sprawled across the bed, tears tracing silent paths down her cheeks. He called out her name, his voice filled with desperation, but she remained unresponsive, lost in a sea of despair.

Gently, he brushed the tears from her face, his touch tender yet urgent as he tried to rouse her from her stupor. But Ara remained still, her eyes vacant, her spirit seemingly drained from her body.

Fear clenched at Taehyung's chest. Without hesitation, he draped his shirt over her trembling form, lifting her into his arms with a strength born of desperation. Cradling her close, he dashed out of the room and down the stairs, his footsteps echoing in the empty halls.

Carefully, he settled her into the car, his hands trembling as he fastened her seatbelt. With a silent prayer on his lips, he started the engine and raced towards the hospital, his mind consumed with worry for the woman he loved.

At the hospital, Taehyung rushed Ara into the emergency room, Hours passed like an eternity as Taehyung paced the sterile corridors, his mind plagued by dark thoughts and fears. He couldn't bear the idea of losing Ara, of seeing her slip away from him like a fragile dream.

Finally, a doctor emerged from the emergency room, her expression grave yet determined. Taehyung rushed to her side, his heart in his throat as he awaited her verdict.

"She's stable," the doctor reassured, "but she seems to be under a lot of stress lately. Her blood pressure is low, so it's important to take care of her. It would be advisable to conduct some tests once she's feeling better."

With that Taehyung brought her back. Two days crossed Ara was stable, Jennie would stay next to her all day and night taking care of her.

As the evening descended, Ara found herself sitting alone in the garden, lost in her thoughts. Jennie observed her from a distance, her heart heavy with guilt, recalling the painful words Ara had uttered.

Meanwhile, Taehyung stood on the balcony, watching Ara with concern. Determined to lift her spirits, he descended and approached her. Ara glanced up at him as he took her hand and gently urged her to come with him.

Standing nearby, Jennie nodded silently, her eyes filled with remorse. "Take care of her," she whispered, as Taehyung led Ara to the car.

Taehyung led her into the mall. She followed him closely, observing his every move. As they entered a clothing store, Taehyung began selecting various garments, ranging from shirts and pants to dresses, and instructed the staff to fetch Ara's size for each item.

Ara watched him attentively. She joined him on the couch.

After shopping, he drove away, Taehyung remained silent, Ara, on the other hand, looked out of the window.

Finally, they reached a secluded spot by the beach. Taehyung parked the car and they both stepped out, the sound of crashing waves filling the air. Taehyung took Ara's hand and led her to a quiet spot on the sand.

Sitting beside her, Taehyung took a deep breath before speaking. "I am sorry"

Ara looked at him.

He gazed out at the sea, his words heavy with emotion. "I promise not to trouble you anymore... I need some time to fulfill my promise to your parents and rid your life of all this chaos," he said, taking a deep breath. "After that, I'll gladly let you go to someone who can keep you happy, and you can divorce me."

Ara's eyes brimmed with tears, but she remained silent, unable to find the right words.

Taehyung stood up without looking back at her, taking her hand as they made their way back to the car. Ara sat quietly, gazing out the window, while Taehyung's tear-filled eyes betrayed the turmoil within him.

Which was caught by Ara, her heart felt a sharp pain in her heart.

They reached home, and Ara ran straight inside her room and lay on the bed digging her face in the pillow crying hard.

The whole night she was crying sobbing "Taehyung i m sorry....." She mummered.

The next day,

Taehyung emerged from his room and passed by Ara's room. He paused for a moment, contemplating, before deciding to move on. Just as he was about to leave, the door opened, revealing Ara standing there. Taehyung's eyes widened in surprise as he noticed what she was wearing – his shirt as he buyed her new clothes yesterday.

Clearing her throat, Ara stepped out and closed the door behind her, making her way downstairs. In the living room, Jennie sat quietly, offering a small smile as Ara approached and took a seat beside her. Ara pretended to be engrossed in her phone, seemingly ignoring Jennie's presence.

As Taehyung joined them, Jennie glanced at Ara, then spoke up, "Would you like to have breakfast?." She trailed off, waiting for Ara's response.

Ara glanced at Jennie briefly before nodding her head ever so slightly.

The three of them had their breakfast together, and then Taehyung left for his office. Jennie and Ara remained in the living room, sitting together and watching TV.

With an excuse, Jennie excused herself and headed to her room, leaving Ara alone. Feeling a bit restless, Ara decided to look around to see if she can do something She eventually found herself standing in front of Taehyung's office room. Peeking inside, she was surprised to find the room in a state of disarray, as if it hadn't been touched in ages.

"Wow, this room is a mess," Ara murmured to herself, shaking her head in disbelief. She cautiously stepped inside, careful not to disturb anything. As she looked around, she couldn't help but wonder how Taehyung managed to work in such chaos.

Papers were scattered across the desk, files were piled haphazardly in one corner, and the shelves were filled with disorganized books and documents.

Ara began tidying up the room. She sorted through the papers, organizing them into neat stacks, and arranged the books on the shelves in alphabetical order.

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