Chapter 23

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She closed her eyes, and the images of her lost memories flashed – moments with her parents in her hometown. Suddenly, the accident flashed back, and she sat up with a jerk, horror spreading across her face.

Taking long breaths to relax herself, she wiped the sweat from her forehead when her phone rang. She facepalmed herself, sighed, and answered the call, "Hello."

But the voice that touched her ears brought relief, and she fell back on the bed, closing her eyes.

"What's troubling you, babygirl?" he said.

The voice that came through the phone was him – Taehyung.

She sighed and said, "I am missing you," hugging the pillow close to her in a comforting embrace.

"Really??" He asked.

She nodded her head as they engaged in conversation, temporarily escaping the troubles that had been gnawing at her. The calls concluded with a radiant smile on Ara's face and Taehyung's infectious giggle. She reclined on her back, eyes closed, wearing a blissful smile.

Jennie entered the room, calling out, "Ara!"

Ara opened her eyes and sat up, asking, "Unnie, where did you go?"

Jennie settled on the bed beside her, replying, "I went to buy groceries to whip up something delicious; it's been a while since I cooked something special."

With a smile, Ara exclaimed, "Really! I'm excited to eat."

She headed into the washroom, changed into a night suit, and returned to join Jennie. Seated at the dining table, they began chopping veggies and preparing ingredients. Jennie and Ara chatted randomly, enjoying their time together.

As Jennie cooked, Ara stood nearby, assisting her.

Jennie turned to the side, spotting a box of cake. "Who bought this?" she inquired.

Ara looked at her and admitted, "Yeah, I bought it. I was craving something sweet."

"Ah, it's been a while since I wanted to have some," Jennie replied, continuing with her cooking.

Suddenly, Ara's phone rang. Retrieving it from her pocket, she glanced at the screen, revealing 'Mr. Jung.' "Excuse me," she said, walking aside to answer the call.

"Hello," Ara answered the call.

"Ara, if you don't mind, can we meet tomorrow?" he asked.

"Oh, okay... But where?" she inquired.

"I will let you know tomorrow," he said, ending the call before she could respond.

Ara blinked and placed her phone aside, returning to Jennie. After 45 minutes, Jennie finished cooking, and they sat down together for dinner. Post-dinner, they headed back to their bedroom. Ara sat on the bed, applying hand cream while lost in thought. Taking a deep breath, she mumbled, "Let's just see what will happen tomorrow," and lay down, attempting to sleep.

Ara's night was filled with restless twists and turns as she battled with her thoughts. After hours of struggling, she finally succumbed to sleep.

In her dream:

"Mom, please let me go," a girl pleaded.

"Mom!" The voice echoed.

"No," a woman in her mid-50s replied as a man in black entered. "Can she come with me?" he asked.

The girl turned away, rolling her eyes. "No," she said, heading back to her room. "Hy!!! Why not? Now, you can go with him; I don't have any problem," she called after the girl.

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