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My first Creepypasta shot!

I was so excited to make this, mostly because that I've wanted to write and shit about them since the early 2000's but I didn't know of these apps.

Anyways, an FYI, any and all ships will be aged up for obvious reasons, I don't ship Sally with anyone for obvious reasons, and Ben will always be at least seventeen to eighteen in all my shots with him. I do NOT ship minors or any of that.

Also, a pretty fair warning, any ship I write of them will always be with Jeff. Like I mentioned a while ago, I might have a thing for harems because like... I only see Jeff as a bottom, I only see Kyle as a bottom in South Park, and I only see Nogla as a bottom in the BBS.

I'm strange, okay?

Anyways, enough talking, here's the shot!



Fandom: Creepypasta

Ship: Jeff x Eyeless Jack

Top: Jack

Bottom: Jeff

AU: /

Setting: /

Type: Smut

Warning ⚠️: The chapter that you're about to read contains blood, mention of murder, murder implied, sexual themes and other mentions or situations that may disturb, trigger or offend the viewer. Reader's discretion is advised. 🔞


Third pov -

Jack couldn't quite pin the exact time and date that it started. In fact, it's been too long since he could remember. He was never really good with remembering things anyway. Especially when he didn't think they were too important. Or in the moment they happen, at least.

All he knew, was that is was sometime last month when Jeff had started to act weird. Not weird in the crazy, serial killer manical way he usually was, but he seemed a lot more tame. And tame was not a word best to describe the blood thirsty individual.

Jeff was a loud and obnoxious person. Spilling what was on his mind wether or not people asked or not and wether that told him to shut it or not. Jeff didn't give two shits what people said, and on the rare occasion that they did say or do something to upset him, he always came out on top. Wether it be by cursing at them and arguing until he ran out of breath or by simply threatening to beat their ass. Which, the latter usually ended up happening more so than the former.

Even if Jeff was great with his words.

But a huge factor that came along with the buzzing energy of the pale killer, was his attitude.

Wether you be male, female, a stranger, or someone he completely hated, there was always a flirty way to his words. They didn't have to be directed to someone specifically or put in a way that came across that he was attracted to them. He was just raised in a way that dirty talk or adult talk was the norm for him. And according to the way Liu spoke, it probably ran in the family as well.

No matter the circumstances, Jeff always had the time and day to say something a little too unnecessary or a little too graphic. And it wasn't always about sex or dirty jokes. It could be blunt, and ignorant sometimes. He could just be straight up going on another one of his gore rants on what he did to his latest victim.

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