Chapter two

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Natalia's pov

My early morning alarm began ringing ever so loudly wake me up from my peaceful sleep as I sit up in my bed waiting for the sleepiness to fades away from me and then I quickly started making my way to the bathroom to get ready for another day of my forensic science course immediately after getting dressed I made my way over into the kitchen to make myself breakfast because couldn't make coffee while my breakfast so I decided to walked out of my dorm suite to get coffee at a local coffee place on campus.

A couple minutes before I got inside the classroom lab, I saw my friends were walking towards me as I took a sip of my ice tea since I was craving it instantly after the moment that I had already woken up and thought to myself why not just change it up my routine.

"You look awfully happy today. Is it because a certain person isn't here?" Asked Avena.

I don't even want to think about Mc-arrogant  today just knowing that he would somehow appeared in the next three minutes thinking that his cruel words had an effect upon me also I was planning on giving him the silent treatment if he was around me however, I was still not in the mood to talk to him, in the meantime, I nodded my head to Avena during this moment I wonder why did some of the male species on earth think women could be dominated by men.

Therefore, I took the last of my Ice tea while we walked inside the university building as I felt the gentle breeze from the wind blowing the trees on my back. I was happy that the weather was super warm today.  "I'm hoping it stays this way for the rest of the year," I said peacefully to Avena.

Live more and love more every single day than ever before it begins to be an emotional journey since life was too short to never experience the best moments in the beauty of the universe because we should always smile beyond the pain as we should continuously strive for happiness or success instead of suffering from pain thus, I hope maybe someday I'll be proud of myself enough that I won't even feel like I was a missing puzzle piece that didn't fit into equations or anything where else. 

And instantaneously I began to realised that I was an element that wanted to feel a little less than drowning as I wanted to take a risk so I decided to make that campus radio station become an agony aunt giving people, especially the female population advice including exposing some certain people in our university.

"Can I ask you a question about how you manage to keep your identity a secret on your radio show?" asked Jessamyn.

Moreover, It was five minutes left until Professor Mr Callan arrived in the classroom while I was waiting outside the classroom lab speaking with my friends about how I kept my radio show a secret by using a different name as I felt my phone vibrate when I saw all the messages that came through my phone screen now, I picked out a specific spicy one that I chose to use on every single Friday afternoon to keep my audience informed and entertained by my radio talk shows.

In the meantime, I decided to keep my phone back in my pocket but there were too many reasons why I started my own campus live radio program because what happened to my tips dyed blue hair friend called Rochelle who went through the toughest breakup ever as well as watching or listening to all of the girls who ran into the girls toilet crying out their eyes due the their own boys problems.

"Well a secret is no longer an element of surprise if I reveal myself, is it?" I questioned Jessasmyn.

Everyone else always thinks that I was constantly close off with the world tell me those lucky I was not caring about others people opinions of me honestly, I just learned to shut out other people's thoughts or feelings about me because I wanted to pave the way for others females scientists in the future not to mention that there were more pressing issues in the world than how I truly felt about everything that happened in my life.

All of my friends and I were apart in different directions heading towards our lecture hall classes and walked into the classrooms sitting down on our near table while listening to my teacher explaining a scenario and then multiple things to us. Consequently, my phone vibrates in my pocket after I have finished my work in the lab earlier than usual eventually, I pulled out my phone put in my earphones it then I opened the voice recorded message of Rochelle cover a song by Masise Peters called Lost the Breakup it was a little snippet of her voice singing the lyrics as I continued to listen to her singing smiling proudly before the teacher dismissed us.

"I can't wait to hear what Timelessly Talia says in her new radio show episodes!"exclaimed an enthusiastic girl in my Lab class.

Heading straight out of the lab seeing him kiss some random girl made me want to puke in my mouth for some reason, he looked directly into my eyes while he did it,  but I think it was because he loves too much  of the attention. There were those two different sides of me: one of them was feeling sorry for those clueless good girls who think that they could easily ever change the bad boys and then I hate that they knew what they signed up for having not learned their life lesson.

"Hey, douchebag! Do you ever stop and think to yourself that there would be a chance that karma would find you?" I asked him with a smirk of my own.

Quite frankly, I was just saying what everyone else was thinking about the whole scene of public display that he had shown the students on the campus with his pick of the week because I could write an essay about how much I hated him so much! Now, that my zen moments were long gone throughout the day.

Shortly after, I  had realised that I would be more than happy to spend lunch in the radio recording room during, talking to him and then I heard him chuckled almost as if he was testing my patience right now I regretted not drinking coffee this morning as I moved away from him to keep walking towards my friend's classroom and then next we would spend all of our time in the common room. I walked into the common room and brought out my laptop to study typing up to the first thousand words of my rough draft essay as I  put my earphones in my ears and started to play music yet I can still hear his arrogant voice irritating me.

"No, but aren't you jealous yet?" He assumed that I was jealous of whatever or whoever he was going to be with. 

An exhale deeply waiting for peace to find me at this moment especially when it comes to someone who was one of the campus's biggest players oftentimes, I enjoyed thinking of a way to play him at his own game although, I personally believe that there was no fixing something quite as annoying as him. I saw our friends come into the common room when I almost finished my draft because scientists' experiments on a bunch of different types of theories every month throughout the years, I thought of the most ill-advised plan ever to put myself and Mc- enemy in a similar experiment.

"Why on earth would I be jealous of you, practically playing with the girl's feelings and eating her face off like that?"I scoffed in annoyance at him.

Did I hate myself this much? Or what went through my mind when I was sitting here because it was entirely questionable to me?

There were probably more unbearable torture than enduring a couple of dates with him to proven my point including, getting some revenge on him. As i saved my document on micro-soft word on my laptop, next i typed a few of my agony aunt advises notes also vibing to a song on my phone smiling immediately after forgetting that he was still here around me until he took one earphone out of my left ear to put it in his ear unexpectedly, i took a couple of more deep breath not letting him get to me. I rolled my eyes  whilst i pulled my earphone out of his ear, instantly shutting my laptop moving as far away from him as possible, unzipping my bag to place my laptop carefully in it, leaving him sitting on the couch in the common room.

"You're impossibly playing so hard to get that you are my favorite version of a nightmare."he whispered in my ear as he watched me leave the common room leaning against the doorframe with his arm crossed displaying his hideous smirk at me.

"Oh, go straight back to hell because that is where you come from or let me guess hell don't want you anymore."I countered him.

My patience was wearing me down for any second that I talked to him. Soon enough, I decided to walk out the room with my friends and ignored him since I was heading to a wifi wireless cafe to order a smoothie.

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