Chapter thirty-one

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Natalia's pov

For this time of year the weather amd the timing had always played a huge factor especially when it is five more day until christmas and i had the perfect plan like always. How to get Rochelle, Charlie and Avena out of their books swamp by taking them to a different library called Hanker Library with Jessamyn because it is the perfect place to come to whether or not people came there to read a book as well as perform a song, slam poetry or authors are doing their book reading here.

So, imagine that Rochelle was singing there on the stage where a moody grumpy boy started to walk into the library but stopped when he heard her singing as their eyes began to lingered on each other, Charlie was reading the perfect books when she met a handsome stranger and then lastly, Avena finally got out of her book swamp to prepare the best decision of her buying her own dance studio. I know that women are the future because we can fix any problem especially when we start putting our minds to it. This world needs more women who are into stems to solve the problem and come up with the solution too.

"I have never seen somebody who is so perky or happy that Christmas is coming." Rochelle said in a damper mood to me.

This year I was the gift who had never stopped giving to other people knowing that I wanted all of my friends to be happy this year. We all took the same taxi to the library thinking that Rochelle would be cheering once the Christmas song came on the radio station but nope, she was feeling a little anti-Christmas because she usually travels to Korea with her parents to visit her family members instead of just spending here in Vancouver with us.

Once we got to the library I noticed that she brought her guitar with her to perform A Christmas Carol hoping that it would put a light bounce in her step.

"Hey, I don't like the word perky but is it a crime to want you all to be optimistic about this time of year." I sighed before saying this. "And besides you only have two more years before we finish Uni so let's make the most of it."I encouraged everyone else.

I had almost die of laughter when I received the Christmas song or carol from Holden on my phone as I read his text message: It's the most beautiful time of year because baby I would be the first thing on your Christmas list every single year so wrapped me up or unwrapped either way you want girl.

This wasn't something that Holden could have done by himself without having any help from his hockey team friends and even I know there were more lyrics to this Christmas song than what he had originally planned to write for me. I really tried to be a supportive girlfriend not knowing if he was really, lyrics pranking me or genuinely serious about the text he sent me because it generally sounds like something an arrogant hockey player would say although, I think it would help cheer up my friends seeing them smiling at the group chat.

Me: you've got to be kidding me right now?

McSteamy: what? You don't like our Christmas song. Me and my boys are planning a special Christmas surprise for you girls.

Me:oh, wow I feel so lucky. Who knows that your talent isn't only just numbers and hockey but also lyrical stuff as well.

McSteamy:Hmm, I'm sensing a little bit of sarcasm here from you but you girls are going to love our performances later on.

Jessamyn:I can't wait to hear it!

Ave: aren't you girls a little bit too curious about what the boys have got planned for us??? Suspicious eyes emoji.

Wyatt: Really Red? You know you can trust me.

Charlie: Well I'm guessing that I'm going to be out of the loop for this year. Ave, did you just send that to the wrong chats.

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