Chapter twenty-eight

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Natalia's pov

I would bet my money on Elle and Mason getting together before Avenna and Wyatt for one reason only he couldn't see past the both of them being anything more than just best friends so between you and me I don't know if it would be like those books tropes as we both started texting one another about it our chats.

Me: if we were book troupes would we be?

Him (Mcfly): we are definitely enemies to lovers slow burn story when I  fell first and harder for you.

I couldn't help but secretly hide my smile at what he had just admitted to me now. He makes me feel like I don't need to be more than enough rather than just be myself because he texted me every single day saying how much he misses me.

Me: It looks like someone has been doing their research... wait did you just say that you fell first and harder in love with me.

Him(McFly): Did I just say that? Yes but I meant every single word I say too.

Avenna took my phone out of my hands to help me to reply to his text message that sent shockwaves in my system. She replied back for me to him: yes, you did most definitely just say that or should i call you Mr McSly? for what you just had implies to me.

Ave,had the most flirtatious ways to text a boy or maybe she should write a book on how to get a guy's attention within nine days but five days if she was slightly feeling more up to the challenge.

However, the story behind her and Wyatt was more complicated than it seems as every single new year they would stick to their tradition of kissing each other and then they say it was their way of preventing themselves from kissing other random people that they don't know.

This tradition first started seven years ago between the two of them although, I would try to see it from other people's perspective if I didn't know them as well as I did that would make me think that they are dating each other or otherwise there must be some deep including heavy, hot and insane tension going on with the both of them.

"Who knew you could type a text message like that?" I asked Avenna, very shocked.

We always knew that she had some incredible games and she's amazing dancer who i already knew that she would go far in life especially when i was constantly proud of her for wanting to go chasing her dreams until she had reach a certain milestones and anyways, if Wyatt was her casanova or the only boy for her then so be it.

Charlie, Jessasnym and Rochelle were trying to do what any good friends should do, which was getting Wyatt out of her system for a little while until he started catching feelings for her  because we only get the same chance to be young and wild once.

Another reason, why i think she needed to go to this party after everything that had happened we need to stop moping in our self-pity and just live our the rest of our life like we had never ever party before even if my casanova boyfriend, Holden well, let just say that he gets a little bit competitive sometimes when he's drunk or acts like a total tool for no reason at all.

Nobody else want to know how i keep reminding him that everything in life is a hockey match even though, he did managed to win me over despite how absolutely mental it is to have your enemy to actually to be my boyfriend around since i almost never used the terms or word boyfriend so loseley out of my mouth ever before. I don't know if he messed up my brain chemistry so much too.

"Well, I'm just here doing my service to other people, if you ask then I will deliver it free of charge to help you write what you were already thinking." said Avenna proudly.

him(Mcsly): first of all, i know that you will never call me that Natty but i definitely am McSly.

Me: how about Mc-Never-again? Holdie.

Him(McSly): ouch! Girlie, you hurt my heart but I'm too in love with you to stay hurt forever.  Because any man who doesn't love you is an idiot if you ask me.

Wow, I'm really impressed that he knows the difference between me or my friends texting him on my phone.

"If there is a slight chance in the world that Golden Skates like back or do you think you would ever move on from him?"I raised a question to Avenna.

I can't believe I made Mr i don't fall in love or believe in love fall in love with me. This should be an record and as i want to see it to believe it but sometimes us humans still have the option of power to feel love rather than see it especially when i always be a firm believer about actions speaks louder than words hence why he had proven me time and time again that he is all for me because when you know you know right.

So let me paint a much clearer picture here. Lovestruck is a real thing as I am slowly learning to go through falling in love and maybe falling in love with my enemy isn't a bad idea after all since he had sheltered me from the biggest of storms ever. It might have started with a science experiment, an extra safety blanket of his protection away from my crazy ex-boyfriend as well as a bet to see who was going to fall in love sooner than later.

"Ohh wow, that's a good question but I think there is nothing to move on from especially when Wy and I never dated each other."Avenna paused to ruffle her hair and then she said "Whatever will be will be and if the possibility does come then I may be I would be open to consider keeping my basket full."she answered my question.

Fair enough, we can not help to choose the people whom we fall in love with but I'm glad that it was my overly arrogant and charming cocky boyfriend Holden McClellan whose hockey player Number twenty-three that I was proud to wear on my chest as he had given me a couple of weeks ago.

Now, it was party time. I wanted to celebrate everything that was going well in the world for once I wanted to be the one who received happiness in my life and not even a ton of scientific research conducted by me could be able to predict that because in the force of nature who made us realized that reality of life sometimes throws unpredictable events or unexpected obstacles in my way but we have to constantly remind ourselves that strength and peacefulness come from within.

A little note to my younger self; good guys do exist because  I have met one and His name is Holden McClellan even though he seems to love annoying to my wits but I could never stay mad at him for too long.

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