Chapter twelve

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Natalia's pov

In lab class, every single girl was telling me about him except for Brooklyn and I were writing down our lab paper test result report as class was almost finished. I could literary see him walking past the classroom door waiting outside near a window for someone in my class unfortunately, the majority of the girls fell for him until I got dismissed from class, and he walked straight into class whispering heaven knows what in my lab teacher's ears. I saw my teacher nod her head to whatever he was saying to my letcher and then he pulled me away from everyone else in the room even though, it was against my will and do you want to know what he said to me.

"Do you know some girls would think that they would be lucky to be in your position but i guess you would rather glare at me than all week too." he paused to ask me and then he continued to talk."What is your krypton knight?" he looked dead serious like he was trying to figure me out.

And once again i was proven right during listening to him commented about how lucky any other girl on campus would be if their were in my position in case standing close next to him with his arms being wrapped around my shoulder as i quickly shrugged them off and i was completely unbothered about how many girls had a crush on him.

Sadly, for me, i had waited for him to heard his crazy and mad explanation that could somewhat helped my situation to face my problems head on even if it meant hearing him out then i would listened as much as it did frustrated me had him stood this close to me, on the flipside he had stop calling me salty or he didn't show up to any of my other classes this week. I had a volunteer modern art class which this week's subject was learning how to draw a human body or a structure which i didn't have to paint him.

"I actually didn't have a weakness but i'm just immune to whatever false lies you had fed the girls on campus." I said honestly to him.

His friends wyatt and Grayson dramatically made a ooo sounds whereas he put his hand on his heart as if my little digs at him i might had offended him by my harsh words of honest truth might had hurt his heart, i know it didn't hurt him for no second at all but i assumed that he was very much used to getting this type of cold shoulder treatments from me since it seem that he didn't walked away from me so instead he stood there as he was shuckling his deep throat chuckle that irritated me. The deep rooted issues of my dislike towards him started when he thought that he was instantly so much better than everyone else like people kissed the ground that he walked on or when he won first place in a science competition back in highschool. Errr that entitled jerk is the worst.

"Okay but listen I have a plan and you might not like it."he sighed to me , like he had given his plan a lot of thought about it.

Here we were standing in the middle of an empty hallway as i was practically waiting for this conversation to be over by now, simply wishing to be in my dorm room planning a bucket lists filled with important content of things for my polite protest or what should be the next topic that i discussed about what the people want to hear on my radio show, visiting my friend in a ice skating rink and go to a desert restaurant that serve different flavors of cheesecake too.

Another thing about why i choose to focus on myself and not other people happiness to be free of those thoughts that was negging me in the back of my mind even if i was finding extremely difficult to ignored every single last bit of my flaws since i was avoiding it it as if it was a plague running away to escape from the reality of my life pain that still hits me hard deep to the last core inside my chest to my heart strings as i looked up my favorite quote from the bible: proverbs 3:15 she is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compares unto her. And sometimes , i just want someone to think about me like that even if half of my friends still believe in love especially what happened to one of them last year then why can't i?

"I hope your plan is good enough and it is something that we can both agree on." i said with a little bit of doubt in my voice.

Perhaps , it was the cruel hands of fate playing a joke on me that some romcoms aren't real even though I started to think it was all fictional or something our ancestors had played on us. I think Cupid isn't real after all the heartbreak really does still exist than my heart was becoming broken like glass.

"Before I tell you what my plan is. on a scale from one to ten, it might depend on how your mood is today." he assessed the look on my face.

A couple of month ago, i started to learned more things about myself that i hadn't noticed or focused on myself as well as put my guard up to avoid wasting my time on boys who doesn't take me seriously since Avenna , Charlie, Rochelle and i were all on ourselves discovery journey based on self-love.

"Why did I feel a little anxious about this plan of yours right now?"I asked him, nervously, with a little hint of distrust in my voice.

He was the only one that could come up with such a plan like this even though it was a lot better than nothing. I suppose it didn't matter what mood I was in because knowing him, it would be something to worry over. I was feeling a lot disconnected from the world as I needed to take a breath of fresh air or a break before I came back down to feeling okay.

"Just warning you now, in case you might need a minute to yourself to process my plan."he warned me cautiously.

Oh my day! I could literally sense it in his voice as I was dreading to hear what he had to say next to me.

"Please just tell me what it is already! And let me decide how I feel okay but I can't promise you anything yet."I said calmly to him.

Silently, I took a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling to calm down my nerves whilst I was looking at him to figure out what his game plan was. Why would he want to help me, who was his enemy? I was waiting for him to deliver his plan motive to me with all the extra pieces of information to know how to handle it correctly although, there was no predicting how i was going to react to it either. Despite my major trust issues and now I was going to take the leap of faith to trust my enemy was certainly very unexpected as desperate measures calls for desperate procedures.

"Your going to be my fake girlfriend for a little while just until we find who is the culprit that have been writing horrible messages to you."he had revealed his plan to me. "I know it might sound crazy but hear me out, it is for your own safety too." he explained to me.

God only knows, if he must been hit on the head too many times with a puck to think this was a brilliant idea to present to me as it was my turn to now laughed at him and then i sobered up to see the looked on his face that he must had been completely serious about his fake dating idea.

"Oh you're actually so serious about it and since it was the only plan that you did come up with but i think there should be rules for instance, a code word if one of us ever wanted to back out from this." I suggested the need for rules to him. "For example, if one of us falls in love with each other, I will only break your heart." I sighed trying to warn him.

My eyes darted straight up into his and then I saw his challengingly and irresistable smirk appeared back on his face as he said. "And what if I break your heart if you fall first?"

I took another step towards him with a matching smirk like his but mine was less crooked and took a shot at him using my words as daggers went straight into his heart "I'm the ice queen remember and you can't break something that i had already been broken." I whispered into his ear with no emotion whatsoever to him.

Slowly, i started walking away from him as my pride was stronger than what he had in stored for us in his plan to ever work out and somehow, i felt like i needed a huge release of breath or at least a break from our conversation in order to get home to my dorm room to planned out a few rules for our little arrangement of fake dating. Also I need to get home to work on my new essays which wasn't going to do itself nonetheless, I hope I wasn't making a huge mistake to what I had agreed to do as I felt like one of the biggest storms of all time was brewing right now without having any clue where it could start first.

Puck, I hate you |Rockwell series #2Where stories live. Discover now