Chapter one

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Natalia's pov

My job was as a volunteer worker at the hospital just a few miles away from my university which now started to become a paid internship on the weekends or holidays working in a children's ward part-time and with trauma patients too. It was my way of trying to convince my parents that I could afford money for a taxi every once in a while since I wasn't going to get on public transport anytime soon as possible so I pretty much can't stand hockey players who were some entitle rich boys that always get away with not giving their work in on time because I have to work for a living to survive without any other questions being asked about why I chose not to mention my history being on busses.

And now I was regretting not charging my headphones overnight for today since I find that listening to music makes my days in life easier for me to concentrate more on work and connecting with the music. However, I was stuck in traffic for at least ten minutes hoping that this traffic would end sooner rather than later because all my work as a receptionist in the ward sorted out the booking in a hospital.

"Natalia, are you sure this is the right field you want to have in your scientist career?"asked my new boss Julia.

No one knows how tiring these questions can get especially when nobody else believes in me that I can handle the things being in my second year walking into one of the biggest labs rooms in the hospital seeing a dead patient body lying on the table like a lifeless corpse as one of the seniors doctor who was explaining how to find out the cause of how someone died after i had a conversation about when would i start my new job working in the lab. I was basically doing work experience but then when my boss told me that only the most fearless girls would ever think about going to my university course.

"It was either criminology or  both such as paramedic and forensic science to become a Paramedic." I responded back to my boss.

Overall, I think I was pretty much loving my uni degree exploring different aspects or approaches that a human could possibly die or looking at a crime scene to investigate what the truth behind the scenes because everyone else has this one interest right so why not explore all the other factors in life and watching crime documentaries does seems to be fascinating to me even though, some people moods or mindset did change along with this job i still feeling empty on the inside as i did actually started to wonder why my ex-boyfriend of two year dumped me for watching too many of those also i became really intrigued by watching games shows in weekends now i was just busying myself although, i was manifesting to have my own office and work in a lab to help gather dna sample to aid a police investigation while providing mental, physical healthcare as well as well-beings needs.

Quickly leaving the office to attend one of the gathering my friends were going to attend tonight knowing that i deserve a break to hang out with my friends and if i bumped into Holden then i would just ignored him by giving him the silent treatment  to help solved my problem so i took a bus to the gathering because i forgot to put gas into my car which taking the bus does have some adventure  like not paying for gas that save me  money as well as help the environment too.

Holden's pov

Silently, I leaned against the door frame as we which means my hockey and I threw an early Valentine's day party at our house thinking that she wasn't going to show up because according to her friends, she went to her part-time job in the hospital but she walked towards the kitchen door to socialize with her friends just ignoring me from the very moment when our eyes met.

Quickly I exited out of the room to go grab myself a water bottle from the fridge in the kitchen. As I went there I heard her talking about something to some of the girls as I quietly eavesdropped on their conversation and then Natiala began to talk.

"We can just be each other's date to the valentine party because some of the boys in our uni don't notice a hot baddie like us." she said to Avena.

Sadly, she kept going on about how she has major trust issues while my hockey captain girl's Jessasym keep on telling them that their stories were going to changes or reassuring them that not was bad about being an independent woman since she was one herself even still in her relationship she paid for the rest of her food on a date in the meantime, Avena was making them her version of a french hot chocolate whereas my sweet nemesis was dishing out a couple words of advice to the girls before i got caught from eavesdropping on them by leaning on the door as it squeaked open so I act normally.

"Were you spying on us or eavesdropping on our conversation?" she asked me in frustration.

She rolled her eyes at me and she might be the world's slightly most challenging girl who seems to hate my guts at the moment but that was okay to honest with you, I was a huge sucker for any challenges as it appears to me that she was a very tough nutshell to cracked which sound like a great challenge for me even though she hated me now. According to her, I was an annoying little fly that couldn't even leave her unattended without saying anything that was considered to be not useful at all because of being in a similar friendship group as her. She would do whatever it takes to avoid even my cousin Flora agreeing with her at some point too.

The silence quietly passed us by a couple of seconds until she turned her back on me as she continues to talk to her friends which made me realize how frustrated she was with me at the moment after our argument last year she still hasn't forgiven me so I was trying to wear her down and My team captain Asher's girlfriend didn't want to be in the same room as the person who was extremely rude to her friend now he was also dealing with the consequences for my actions that what I heard whenever he would complain about it to the whole hockey team.

"No, not everything is about you, you know but for the record, I was gonna get a bottle of water from the fridge," I  said arrogantly to her.

However, she looked slightly angrier at me comprehending the fact  that she had to put up with my rude behavior so she just kept ignoring me for the rest my time I stood there in the corner of the kitchen because she might still hold some sort of grudge against me for last year although, I loved getting on her nerves especially when it was too easy for me to do not to mention that she was very insanely gorgeous whenever she had gotten angry or frustrated at me.

"I never said it was, but you wouldn't know that with the size of your ego."she snapped angrily at me.

Afterwards,she had looked slightly more annoyed than she had usually looked until she followed her friends back into the living room waiting as I smirked at her before disappearing upstairs planning my first session of training pre-toddler or children hockey classes to pay for my tuition and bills even though I was already on a scholarship at Rockwell University.

For most of the day, I spent hours re-watching old tapes of hockey play-offs, reading books and preparing my clothes for tomorrow knowing that I had business class in the afternoon  right after hockey practice with coach Jones the next day.

Puck, I hate you |Rockwell series #2Where stories live. Discover now