Chapter seventeen

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Holden's pov

Asher, Mason, Grayson, Wyatt, I and the other members of our hockey teams in the gym were getting a head start by running on the treadmills, pumping our biceps using weights or having a very manly competition of who could bench the most reps even though, all if this does keep our bodies fit as sweat was dripping down my skin at the moment we all decided that we were going to outdo each other whilst working out this morning. I was planing on getting the hockey members on my team to step up with phrase one or two plans to protect her from this hellstorm as I heard someone playing light core workout music in the background of the gym.

Gently, I nudge Fletcher with my shoulder as I expected it to be Wyatt and Miles listening to a song that sounds like Lana Del Ray when Wyatt paused his music to look up at me acting obnoxious as if i didn't caught them off guard then my laughter began to subside that it was actuatly him who played Doin time by Lana Del Ray until his music changed from Ariana Grande to T aylor swift which his girl best friend Avenna must have gotten him to listen to a couple of those music artists song. Then he played a Drake song called God Plan.

"Gracia, are you playing a Lana Del Ray song?" I asked Wyatt in confusion.

A couple of minutes after our quick gym competition was over to take a short break as i picked up my water bottle from off the ground and taking a few sips of water when we slightly get inspired by how much Asher loves to talk about his girlfriend Jessasnym listening to One Direction other than that he looked back at me before he was replying back to his girl text messages and Wyatt was messaging Avenna the feisty red haired girl who stood up for my girl Nataila the other day.

"I only listen to it because Red and her friends constantly played it in the Avenna dorm room, suggesting that I should listen to music like Lana Del Ray and Taylor Swift with her."Wyatt happily explained to me.

Firstly, I started to think that he was in love with one of Natalia's friends the one who was called Red who was also formerly known as his best friend Avenna not to mention that they had  been friends since they were five years old yet, that Gracia was undeniably clueless sometimes even if he was my friend but anyone who had common sense could see it, the chemistry between those two however, my main priority was and always would be both Hockey and Natalia all of the time because I promised her I would get to the bottom of the person who was causing her all of this distress.

And then suddenly it hit me that I might have a slight thing or feeling for the bane of my existence, Natalia Speilberg, oh how I despised and liked her at the same time as the daylight shone through the windows of the gym. we all took off to the shower room just next-door to the locker room before we get ready in the locker  to leave the gym.

I was so used to girls wanting to be with me except I wasn't expecting myself to catch feeling for this one particular special girl on campus who was probably too immune to my charms, flirtatiousness and irresistible looks until I met with the real Natatila Speilberg who was a girl that knows her own mind, heart and too persistently determined that she take no for an answer or given up when times get tough because she knows her own worth but there was one thing for me that I wasn't entirely heartless when it comes to her for many reasons.

Another things that I could annoyed the living light out of her so I can get inside her head to make her think of me every single day if I have to more than she ever should and More than she would ever like to admit it that I was all she could think about to me. All of the boys that she had dated before didn't know how to treat a smart gorgeous lady like her right.

My equation was incomplete without her.

"You two stop pretending that you are not in love with Avenna and Natalia would ya."Mason stated the fact that he knew how we feel about them.

The undeniable feeling of knowing that my brain stop working which doesn't an well educated and talented person that i was whenever she was around me my mind had her presence well aware to me as she ignite a spark or a wildfires in my heart letting sparkfly everywhere, in additional to this, she was queen of my heart if only i was king of her heart. I was new to this feeling of liking a girl like her lately. I had been thinking if she  could ever spare a feeling for me it would probably be anger or hatred then i would mind it since there were both emotions that made her think of me.

Becoming one of the hockey stars around campus came with a sort of privilege including having everyone else respect me, although she would probably hate me for this rule but it was the only one that could potentially help keep her safe. This rule was called the offlimit rule so no other guys could ever think of going one mile radius of her, even look or think about breathing the same air as her again and I made sure that there would be consequences if anyone ever thought about crossing that line which was strictly forbidden to do.

According to me, some rules were meant to be broken by me and no one else.

"Bro, she waves at this guy called River and it was like I was becoming the breaker because I nearly lost it when she smiled at him. I want to break  every single bone that is inside his body." I told Asher truthfully.

In all honesty, I think i would admitted that my feeling to her when Wyatt would finally stop pretending that he isn't attractive to his best friend Avenna and yet Grayson was the only one out of us who didn't say anything which was rather odd if you ask me unless he was trying to hide something from us because he usually was the one who tell us his opinions based on everything.

He had kept too quiet about his love life to us not entirely telling us anything at all hence the fact it made us want to pried into his love life. It sounded like something the girls would like to gossip about or do too.

"Why don't you guys toss  a coin and decide who should confess to neither Natatila or Avenna that you both have caught feelings for one of them." suggested Fletcher to us.

Moreover, Asher tossed all of our water bottles at us carefully not to hit my money maker face as we catch them soon we headed out of the gym  while i wished that whoever threatened her should definitely get what was coming to them like she said Karma was a relaxing thoughts but i wouldn't mind helping her get karma on them.

Three and a half hours later, we had arrived a couple of minutes early after we had made it back onto campus we all went to get dressed in the locker rooms in our gears, our blue and gold hockey uniform back out of the room to the ice rink arena when i saw my girl standing three in bleachers that were filled by some of our audiences on the stands as I noticed that she wore her lab coat then I see her talking to another guy who wasn't me.

"One, two, three, Rocky Legend!" Asher, Dean, Grayson, Fletcher, Wyatt and I said together in sync.

She could have anyone else who she wanted but she still chose to be in a fake relationship with me even if she wants out of it then i wouldn't trapped her to stay because i would respect her wishes and boundaries although, i would be willing to fight for her until she realized that we were meant be together also it was fated-written in the stars so i want to rewrite all of our bad parts to make our story however, every great stories needed a bit of characters development that come along with the unwanted drama too.

Anyway , my team was winning so I decided to dedicate my last winning goal to her afterwards, i bang my hands on the plastic shield of the stand that separates the audience from the hockey players to gain her attention from blowing a kiss and then I winked at her.

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