Chapter twenty-four

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Holden's pov

Sadly, I slowly watched her this morning on a video called on my phone since she was at her parents house as she talked about how she was settling in at her parents home but god damn it probably killed me to see her like this as if she were making a huge decision about her life because I knew that after she left her work she seemed a little overwhelmed with everything. I wanted her to know that I would never make her choose between anything but I would always support my girl.

In the darkness they were a continuous presence glowing within the sky as she stood up for herself including others people who had been discriminated against by a group of people and yet she never gave up fighting them all the way until she got the results that they wanted to be treated equally and accepted by everyone in her life.

"Hey,my beautiful genius,"I said , smiling at her through my phone screen.

In return she smiled a little bit before she say something I knew she was holding on to an important piece of information in her mind that she pushed her hair behind her ear showing me a part of her childhood room where she had grown up in which did reflect her personality perfectly anyway so, I sat on my bed waiting for her to tell me whatever it was that was bothering her right now to stop it from bothering her to see her real smile again. In the meantime she continued to not look me in the eyes whilst we gazed at each other in silence to see an ounce of sadness flickering through her eyes.

And then a second she looked back at me again and this time she frowned at me which I never thought I wanted to see her frowning on, especially when she was going to go places that I was quite certain she would be the next best future scientist.

"Hey, Mcsteamy." She sighed tiredly to me.

We have been through a lot more than most people had you know the small stuff and the painstakingly oversized stuff as I started to wonder what if it was her memory of her accident but whatever it was I would never let her go through it on her own because she deserves to feel validated by not just me but everyone else around us.

Unfortunately, we only have a couple of minutes left to talk about how she felt beforehand. I was going to my parent's house for dinner tonight, not to mention that my teammates kept asking if I was going to return back with any of my mom's famous chicken pot pie.

"What's wrong? Is anyone else bothering you?"I asked her, feeling a lot more concerned.
Nobody else had known her quite well as I did, always beating her up over everything and blaming herself, but sometimes life sucks as much energy out of her. I still see her fighting for her life to be happy.

I would let her win every single argument or support her when she needed me to be there for her because this world has been too harsh on her. I wish I could go through my phone screen and hug the hell out of her until she feels all better.

Slowly, I noticed that she sounded tired but she still looked incredibly stunning. Thank God, I have brought my portable phone charger so I could hear her voice as I was driving down the street to my parents house and then I could show my whole family pictures of her to let my mom know that I won't be single forever.

"Don't you ever wish that you could reopen or bury a time capsule of all of your memories."she asked me, reminiscing her old memories.

Later on, we were going to write down all of our dreams, aspirations and goals for the year on paper then we were going to put them into a treasure chest box. My mum's house was not too far from campus, just two hours and a half drive whereas her friend Avenna house was a five hours and twenty minutes drive if only we could just bury it behind the hockey house to save us more time.

"Babe, that is what we are doing tonight so don't worry about it.'' I said reassuringly to her.

"Alright but I just wanted to know if you have written anything down on paper yet?"

Puck, I hate you |Rockwell series #2Where stories live. Discover now